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Comment Re:Tiny Tim? (Score 1) 170

Have you ever heard the term "suspension of disbelief".

We geeks like to talk and discuss about these kind of things like they existed, but we are all really aware of what is real and what is fiction, thank you!.

Still, you have to thank us, guys with true imagination and the ability to dream while awake, for almost every piece of tech you are enjoying today, form cell phones, to CAT scans.

Now get out of here!! you are not getting your forged geek card back!!

Comment Re:IMDB Reference (Score 1) 60

Also, if you see the glitch at 2:21, you can see that he is not even moving on the same part of the room shown at us.

I think he has a camera pointing in one direction and the Kinect pointing to another, so he is actually projecting the Kinect volume info over an arbitrary image with a cool effect, he is not really cloaking against his background.
Not much of a difference with current blue/green screen effects. Final result is exactly the same.

Comment Re:Ranging from proof of life to first contact? (Score 1) 286

Or it might be a very lame announcement like: "we have discovered a new way to SEARCH for life using blahblahmetry, so we're going to start using this new techniques in our next probes"
This is very close to: "astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence...."

Or... is something amazing we're about find out within the recent Wikileak

Comment Re:Revolution (Score 1) 303

I agree with you in the controllers. We had all the tech, but no one glued it together the way Nintendo did.

On the other hand GP was talking about the iPod, not the iPhone. Today almost everywhere people talk about iPod as a generic term referring to mp3 players. Truth is, the iPod came out years after consumer - portable - mp3 players where popular. That's good Marketing!

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