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Comment Re:Veto Them All (Score 1) 177

Why not? TLDs are a curse. There's nothing stopping us from treating tlds like 2nd level domains. just have an invisible ".web", just make it so browsers don't tell the normal folk about it and they'd soon forget there even were such things as tlds.

While we're at it, make registration of domains free. There's NO technical reason for the price they go for, especially not for the ccTLDs some are really horrifically overpriced.

Comment Re:Well, that'll be helpful (Score 1) 377

Fucking around on a telecommunications network is not an exercise of real power. All it does is demonstrate how truly impotent Anonymous really is, while simultaneously giving those who do have real power excuses to further restrict use.

Would you rather have random /k/ nuts take up arms and go on shooting sprees? Because there's surely enough people with nothing to loose to go around.

They haven't been given a good enough reason yet to do anything.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 387

Oxymoron? I think not. The brain is a fascinating computer with immense capability for calculation and it is also very flexible.
Until we advance the state of computer aided universe simulation to the point where we don't need to run thought experiments and can just run a model universe for a couple of days to see if our theories are correct, we'll be stuck experimenting in our brains.

Comment Re:How can a biology teacher not be a biology majo (Score 2) 947

What the hell 'Murika. I'm from an ex soviet country and even here, in order to teach something you must have a degree in it from a higher education institution.

This aplies to everything, especially things like Biology, History etc...

The only place where you can get away with not having a diploma is perhaps PE.

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