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Comment Re:i trust nothing (Score 1) 631

Ya it was pretty obvious our government was hijacked when they had the gold seizure in 1933.

I expect them to do that and worse as things continue to fall apart.

A dollar today has the relative value of 2 cents from 1913 when the Fed reserve corporation
took the power of money away from the government.

The last president who tried to take that power away from was JFK, and not long after he tried he died.

Same for Lincoln and the Greenback, but they failed with Andrew Jackson as the Assassin's gun failed.

I think "the creature from Jekyll Island" about the Federal Reserve bank which is as federal as federal express
should be read by all citizens, but I would not enjoy the result of most ppl realizing what is going on because it
might be much like Henry Ford said.

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." ~ Henry Ford

Comment Re:i trust nothing (Score 1) 631

I trust the value of physical assets, not just "shiny rocks".

I trust the value of a working program the ppl use around the world.

I trust the value of a "well built home" that is near zero-E use.

I trust a reliable car that has statistics to back it up.

Etc, etc... the whole shiny rocks, and ink and paper thing I have
less faith in due to fraud recorded thru history regarding them.

Ppl have put tungsten in gld bars, North Korea was counterfeiting
US $100 bills like it was going out of style.

So I trust that which is tangible, and much harder to fake.

Comment Re: As Frontalot says (Score 1) 631

Yeah, at this point the US dollar has "some" protection, but it is being eroded by money printing at the rate
of $65 billion a month, another poster mentioned the old $85 billion a month figure.

The inflation rate is gauged differently by different ppl, if you cherry pick what you use you can get a low
rate like the government does, but if you use all things, its a fair bit higher then what the govt's figures list.

Warren Buffett read a book after the crash called when money dies, I recommend it as he felt it was worth his
time and based on his income his time is worth alot.

It details the Wiemar Hyperinflation event, and good odds that is where we are heading because much of
what is being done resembles that situation.

Where Germany was bankrupted by WW1 debts, The US is bankrupted by the Military industrial complex
spending as much as the next 25 nations combined, and the welfare state is the 2nd one.

Alot of these costs are inflated a great deal due to middle men taking their cut and basically skimming.

So while the current listed national debt is just shy of $20 trillion, the projected debt in the not too distant
future based on what will be required to be paid out is much beyond that.

The thing is some ppl have some evidence this event is planned, and one man wrote a book about it
and talks about it online, John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

He says we did this to several nations around the world as a method to loot them, and now the US
is in line as the next target. His former boss basically admitted what he said is correct, then recanted
after he was likely threatened.

The youtube clip is here:

Comment Re:I thought this had been settled long ago. (Score 1) 491

I think what we have is perhaps Crony Capitalism, or Fascism,
but if you think this is a free market, then you'd have to remove
dozens of monopoly and cartel protecting laws, etc etc....

The sheer volume of paperwork required to run a major corporation
now is a tree killing beyond belief, some has been made electronic,
and some has not.

In any event companies have had to hire ppl to just do the red tape
portion of staying legal with the plutocracy.

Some of this is by design as a barrier to entry to keep competition
reduced to benefit the entrenched corporations who own the puppets in DC.

Comment Re:The Problem is Hitting the Ground Running (Score 1) 491

What you say is true, the best thing you can learn is how to teach yourself.

Learn how to pickup any programming book, and then apply it to real world needs,
and make a real world product on a test server.

Make it small scale, and if you are daunted dabble in an open source project out there
to get your feet wet, and look at how other good coders do the work.

Emulate the successful, then blaze your own trail when you equal or surpass your mentors.

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