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Comment Re:OSX (Score 4, Insightful) 455

I realise you're trolling but there are two common malware paths these days: (1) Drive by Downloads - where exploits in things like PDFs, or Flash cause Remote Code Execution on the affected users box, by exploiting flaws in installed software. Hopefully privileged elevation requiriring sudo or UAC will prevent these programs running as admin/root, but often it's just enough that these apps run as a user class. (2) Stupid Users- people who have been trained to download anything from anywhere and just run it. OSX, like Windows, is vulnerable to both, because the software distribution model is totally broken. The app store may help, but i'll still put my trust, for now, in the linux repo model.

Comment Re:Whose enemies? (Score 4, Insightful) 300

Israel has never publically confirmed a nuclear test - but the Vela Incident has always assumed to be a combined South Africa/Israel test.

The NPT calls for disarmenent, not a reduction in stockpiles - which is sort of the point- the treaty is worthless, other than as a beating stick for large powers over smaller nation states.

Comment Re:Whose enemies? (Score 3, Interesting) 300

Agreed, reduction has occurred. But you're not naive enough to sit their and pretend that Disarmament was ever the intention of the Nuclear powers under this treaty. The NPT was a political tool to coerce nation states into a public declaration that they wouldn't seek Nuclear Weapons - a damned if they do, and a damned if they don't approach. It completely fails to address the fact that Middle Eastern nation states live next door to a nuclear power who they have been at war at multiple times over the later half of the 20th Century who they distrust.

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