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Comment Re:Refreshing (Score 1) 669

(you should NOT immediately kill all witches, homosexuals, and people who don't believe the same as us, even though the book says the Lord clearly instructed you to do this).

Sometimes god is delivering instructions. Sometimes someone is claiming that god delivered instructions. The bible is unclear as to which the author felt was the case in each situation, probably not least because of the centuries of translation, adaptation, and manipulation. Some of those apparent contradictions probably aren't supposed to be contradictions at all, but they are now.

This is going to come as a shock to those who believe that "God said it. It's in the Boble. I believe it. End of discussion."

Comment Refreshing (Score 0) 669

On one hand, Religion, with its [many versions of the] One True Book of Divine Origin (which may not be questioned, even a little bit, on pain of death), filled with many tales of dubious historical accuracy and many internallly inconsistent moral pronouncements (you should NOT immediately kill all witches, homosexuals, and people who don't believe the same as us, even though the book says the Lord clearly instructed you to do this).

On the other hand, Science. Trying to come up with a logical explanation for how we got here and why those lights in the sky keep moving around. Also, why we get sick and die and how do we stop doing that?

And the guy who is in charge of [one brand of] the fairy tales, whose job it is to interpret them...is saying the fairy tales aren't all there is in life. Science and rational thinking, questions which can't yet be answered, and fairy tales are all important, but you have to figure out for yourself how important each one of them is to you. And while you're doing that, be nice to each other and help those who are less fortunate.

Maybe there is hope for this world after all.

If we can only ignore those guys who are convinced their brand of the fairy tales tells them to kill everyone who doesn't think the way they do... [sigh]...

Comment UI processor for a commercial product (Score 3, Informative) 146

We're using it to do a web page-based UI for a commercial product. The RasPi people are looking for commercial users, so we decided to try it out. It's far less expensive than other commercial SBCs, and being Linux based, it's a known quantity (no nasty proprietary OS or API to deal with), and the RasPi has a large user base, so hopefully, no unannounced obsolescence. Only drawback is that we need a HDMI converter board between the RasPi and the bare TFT panel. We still come in at around $200 for the entire display subsystem.

Comment Re:The "City of London" - A Lawless Square Mile (Score 1) 302

That is certainly rich. The "City of London" is a lawless square mile in the center of London that is not subject to the laws of England. It is the center of all the tax evasion secrecy jurisdictions around the world. If you think of the rampant and lawless tax evasion that goes on in places such as the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Channel Islands of Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey, they are all directed from this cesspool of lawless behavior known as the City of London.

Oh, no...you see you don't understand...it's not a crime when *we* do it!

Comment Re:One way to avoid (Score 4, Informative) 160

If the buyer is not able to meet in person (I don't care why), a US Postal Money order is available anywhere, up to $100 per m.o. If the buyer or his agent) wants to pick up in person, cold cash. If they can't or won't agree to either of the above payment methods, sorry, but I won't sell to them. I've never had a legitimate buyer unable to pay in one of those two ways, and everyone I've bought from on Ebay will accept a Postal MO.

Comment Comcast (Score 1) 145

I've had Comcast cable since it was Cablevision (then MediaOne, then AT&T), and it has been pretty much trouble free, except when they try to reconfigure their network. I find their internet acceptable but would never rely on their telephone service(friends in town have had month-long outages when amplifiers on their trunk line fail and there's no one competent to troubleshoot the problem) .

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