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Comment Re: Excess deaths (Score -1) 311

> Not to discredit the lockdowns and how much they helped (Am a pharmaceutics bioengi,

So you're not really an expert on lockdowns and their wide ranging impacts both on an economic and human scale.

Maybe we should question lockdowns, maybe that would be a thing we should look into instead of just repeating the religious text that say "lockdowns good".

Comment Re:This is just a fancy way of bloating memory usa (Score 5, Insightful) 89

Explain how you think this is actually implemented then if you don't think this is just memory bloat, not actually time travel.

You think they managed to create FTL travel inside your computer to have a light signal travel back and forward in time to get values in memory at different times ?

Of course not. When you say x = 1, it adds x to a hashtable in the default position. When you then say t = now, it creates a timestamp label named t. When you say "as of t, x = 2", all it does is insert 2 in the x hashtable in the t position, using the earlier created label.

Ain't no magic dude, it's computers.

Comment Re:Work Remote (Score 1) 64

> or you could live near your workplace or use clean public transport like the rest of the world is trying to do.

Yes, I too like to tack on 2 extra hours to my workday in a crowded train/bus, packed like a sardine. We have so much in common. Want to smash our bodies together in ways I don't even do with my significant other on a bus ride so we can discuss this further ?

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 2) 198

Why does it give you a long rant when you ask for "picture of a white married couple" then ? It doesn't have training data on married couples or whites ?

Because asking for "picture of a black married couple" works just fine. Did they just not have any white people at all in the training data ?

Or maybe, there's some kind of actual "safeguard" code in there to prevent it from doing things it would normally be able to do with its training data.

Comment Re:They all want to move to Fl & Tx (Score 1) 122

> The point is that women wouldn't want to find themselves in that situation.

So your point is a strawman.

Women aren't in this position anywhere, because a dead fetus is a health risk and it's not an abortion to remove it. It's a miscarriage and isn't uncommon in the 1st term of pregnancy.

Comment Re: But it's cold (Score 1) 110

No, I'm saying that thinking this is fraud is idiotic at best, but in this case, is outright ludicrous and will harm credit underwriting in the state of New York, for every business and citizen with assets.

But it's ok I guess, you got Trump! Nuking the whole credit system to do it, but you got him! Good for you.

Comment Re: But it's cold (Score 1) 110

> He was hauled into court because he overvalued his "properties" to banks to get loans

Like every real estate loan ever ?

Banks use Market valuation, not tax valuation for the purposes of granting loans. I literally just did the same thing with my own house to get some liquidity to renovate.

Bank wanted to actually give me more than what I was asking for, which was already way higher than the tax role.

It's not fraud, it's how real-estate works and the judge in the NY case is playing a dangerous game if he's trying to say it's fraud. It's a Civil suit brought by the state, and the plaintiff should have had the suit dismissed on the pure grounds they have suffered no harm, since the state didn't suffer harm. The bank should have sued if they were harmed, but the loan got reimbursed in full.

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