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Comment Re:Yay Mechwarrior (and a few more suggestions) (Score 1) 1120

Biggest issue is control schemes. Every mech in the console versions has nigh 360 degree torso twisting capability, or legs that spin around on a top to compensate. This just doesn't feel right in the Mechwarrior universe, where larger mechs are lumbering weapons platforms not necessarily made for turning fights (and some can only turn the cockpit and arms a mere 15 degrees). The latter requires a full rudder and throttle flight system and skills in operating all seven axis of controls instead of two analog sticks with just four axis and the game filling in the rest. Though it gives the title appeal for the less finicky console generation, it falls out with the minority of true fans who like the technological basing. Weapons being balanced by heat dissipation is retained, but the penalties are so severely nerfed that it just results in a five-second shutdown instead of instantaneous death by ammo cookoff.

Games can't be made hard by complexity of controls anymore (part of Mechwarrior 1-4's appeal) and putting skill back to who can actually pilot instead of who can point the crosshair and pull the trigger. Rebooting this series would only serve to stray it even further from the source material and ruin it by giving it 'mass appeal'; which is dumbed down, sped up, and too forgiving.

Comment Re:Wing Commander (Score 1) 1120

You should definitely try (Wing Commander:)Privateer Remake, which is built on the open-source Vega Strike engine, and includes some enhancements of real 3D ships, unlocked AI ships being available, and tweaked economics. Another is Privateer Gemini Gold which is a straight 1:1 redux for modern systems, as true to the original as possible.

Definite 'reboots' of an old title, particularly because the original won't even run on a newer system nor even in the most featured DosBox available. Very specific memory requirements.

Privateer Remake's sourceforge site appears to be in maintenance though.

Comment Re:Gorz (Score 1) 1120

I think I'd like to counter that Return to Zork was the first I played of the series, and the graphical approach was far more appealing and wow-some for the day.

Same insane Zork difficulty, and some way fun voice acting.

Another is the Lucasarts title Full Throttle, which lived entirely in it's animated graphics. Saying a game should stick to dated presentation is a bit 'get off my lawn'... with the exception of platformer titles which are making a return to 2D or pseudo-2D gameplay (Little Big Planet, the new Metroid title).

Comment Re:Clarification? (Score 1) 685

Except that the PS3 was marketed from the outset as a Blu-Ray format player, is a perfectly un-neutered player with full HDMI and Optical outputs to support the full quality of the format, and is still nigh the cheapest player on the market for equal featues (optical out with selectable codec, full 1080p HDMI out, full BD menu control).

Comment Re:The Volt Was For Show (Score 1) 769

And then they baited 'n switched for the new bodystyle and build. It was cool when it was cool, now its just another lunchbox hybrid being pushed as the 'cool' thing it once was.

They didn't consider pushing it until gas was $4 a gallon, but then when they needed to push it they went too far away from the original concept and more towards the 'conservative, green car' image that utterly betrays the performance that this vehicle was supposed to attain.

The Volt was going to be cool, efficent, and most importantly to Americans: Sporty! Like almost Tesla Roadster sporty in the original concept, then they started reigning in the numbers and it looked more and more like a slick-bodied econobox. They changed the shape to match and now I have zero interest in the vehicle at all, personally, and I doubt the reaction of so many other (See: Economy is good, but we have freeways here!) Americans would be so different.

Comment Simple Answer - Manufacturing costs. (Score 1) 363

Its not just a matter of the connector bits and maybe including an extra cable in the box. Its also the engineering and extra electronics and regulation to take power from any of multiple sources, and even thats not inclusive of having the USB plugged in for data but not power while wall power is being used and other situations. I'd rather not have that faster-charging barely-regulated 6.7v be two teeny transistors in a $200 cellphone away from feeding into the +5vsb of my $200 motherboard.

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