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Comment Re:Two words: Capitalism Failed (Score 1) 591

So where is the failure? Is it capitalism doing what it has always done, and will always continue to do? Or was it the government's failure to reign it in? If a government official can be bribed, that's not a failure of capitalism.

No, it's a success of capitalism, any trade is a good trade.

You seem to be making the argument that a mixture of capitalism and socialism is still capitalism, therefore capitalism wins. Nice try, but no cigar.

Comment Re:Why? Exactly. (Score 5, Informative) 658

Try visiting whyaretheydead.net, it will tell about the people Scientology has killed.
Try googling Operation Snow White, you'll find out about how Scientology infiltrated the IRS and shortly afterwards gained tax-exempt status.
Try visiting Tory Magoo's website, she's an high ranking ex-Scientologist. Read about how she was denied her epilepsy medicine by Scientology.

Want to know what they've done to me personally? I'll give you a clue, us non-Scientologists give a damn about each other.

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