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Comment Re:Editor didn't read the article (Score 1) 463

Experience points are still necessary, but instead of being general experience, they are specific for each skill. They may be called something different, but the abstraction is still there.

Betrayal at Krondor had no experience points. Every time you used a skill you had a small (possibly random) chance of getting better at it. This chance could be made bigger by making the character "concentrate" on specific skills.

Comment Re:minna wa nihonjin da. (Score 1) 457

It's not until an article is posted on a subject you already know a lot about that you begin to appreciate just how many people on slashdot really don't even bother to understand the summary, let alone RTFA. Too many people seem to flat out dismiss any facts presented in the summary they don't like and rush to post a ridiculous strawman argument with no real understanding of either the news article or the background of the issue discussed.

Comment Re:Is it any different anywhere else? (Score 1) 457

Former diet member Shkei Arai () and current diet member Marutei Tsurunen would like to to have words with you. And Obama? Have you been to Japan post his election? Seems like every bookstore has a section devoted to just him. I bet if he moved to Japan now and became eligible for elections, he'd own them.

Comment Re:It's also possibly a generational thing (Score 1) 393

Funnily enough, just a few weeks ago I was looking for a job and a place tried to call me about a job while I was in the middle of an interview for another company. Since I didn't answer, they just sent me an SMS stating their business and instructions on which number to call once I'm available. I'm in my mid-twenties, I've been using a cell phone for 11 years and I've never had, wanted or needed voice mail service.

Comment Re:Already there (Score 1) 249

I used it on my old computer, but it dropped the ball on a few files I really needed to print (and get right). As a result, I haven't bothered installing Foxit on my current computer yet, and as Adobe Reader isn't bloated enough to have any negative effects on it, I might not.

The problems were with a form written in Japanese (characters displayed right, but the text bled into the margins) and some government forms that had lots of interactive crap.

Comment USB stick that broke down (Score 1) 357

A friend of mine had a 8Gb memory stick that went bad when we tried copying several hundred photos on it. With the first batch, it seemed to have multiple files with the exact same name in the same directory, which I believe shouldn't be possible. Each one had the same thumbnail too, and I'm pretty sure each could be opened normally. On the other hand, some of the photos we tried copying on it just weren't there. For some reason, we still tried with the second batch of photos. This time as well, many photos simply didn't show up on the stick after being copied. There were also some very, well, odd files present: too small to be photos and with file names consisting only of a few letters (with no extensions).

Comment Re:Sesame Street & the Importance of Bilingual (Score 1) 1077

"Studying a foreign language is mandatory from grades 3 to 9 in the elementary school" There, fixed that for you. I know many people who took Swedish, German or French (like me). Russian is also a possibility. Of course, most of these people also take English at some point, but I have to say that for me at least, learning English at school was a joke. I started "learning" in the fifth grade, and was reading Pratchett, Gibson and Herbert in English by the end of sixth -- you can bet your ass I didn't learn that in less than two years in school.

Comment Re:I have no idea how this works (Score 1) 209

I meant "process" in the more general, non-specialized sense. Considering this camera hasn't been designed to write those large raw files, there's every reason to expect it'll be very, very slow at it. A Canon G7 hacked to shoot raw takes approximately 4-5 seconds. Ricoh GRD (which was actually designed to shoot raw) could take over 10 seconds.

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