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The Wall That Knows If You're a Criminal 119

Barence writes "A German company called Dermalog is showing off a wall-sized transparent display that can tell a person's age, mood and criminal intent simply by scanning their face. The system displays data about the user next to their face, and is a demonstration of a fraud-prevention system that matches criminal intent to certain characteristics. PC Pro's tester wasn't overly impressed. 'If the face was a good enough indicator of mood then it should have tagged me as "freaked out on business technological ennui," not simply "happy", and no police force would accept a description of someone as "aged between 45 and 75 — that's the gap between Daniel Craig and Jack Nicholson.'"

Comment Translation from truther speak to human (Score 1) 848

There are funds that take care of large scale donations, some of them non-discriminating, some of them catering to donors with some leaning. Two of them, openly and tranparently catering to rich people who want to be sure their money won't end up in the coffers of Greenpeace, WWF, Sierra club, Sea Shepherd, PETA, NRDC, Union of Concerned Scientists et al. (a sentiment I wholeheartedly understand), were spreading donations amounting roughly to WWF's and Greenpeace's combined yacht and sandwiches budget over bunch of causes loosely connected by the funds' raison d'être. That is covert funneling of dark money. When the aforementioned fuc^H^H^H fan^H^H^H char^H^H^H^H activist organisations I dislike (and more importantly disagree with on fundamental level) do something similar only with larger amounts of money, it is "educating the public" or "showcasing the opportunities".

Comment Re:Ethanol from corn is height of stupidity (Score 1) 419

Since WW2 Brazil has been using home grown ethanol as a fuel because they either couldn't get oil (I'm told this is what diesel is made from) or didn't want to pay high prices for it.

I think they used sugar cane grown in tropics and harvested by dirt cheap labor. So the rising living standards requiring increased mechanization to keep the pace might disrupt it pretty soon.


Corn Shortage Hampers US Ethanol Production 419

drdread66 writes "A nationwide corn shortage brought on by last year's drought has started to curtail ethanol production. While this shouldn't be surprising to anyone, it raises public policy issues regarding ethanol usage requirements in motor fuel. Given that the energy efficiency of ethanol fuel is questionable at best, is it time to lift the mandate for ethanol in our gasoline?"

Comment Re:Belgians drilling a hole in the ocean?? (Score 1) 242

Dunno where you live, but pretty much everyone else has to pay for it through taxes or feed-in-tariffs whether they like it or not, which is the main issue - judging from myself, lots of critics would be content with "renewables" craze if its fans paid for it. After all, there must be enough of you to achieve this considering politicians shoving this into our throats get voted again and again. Unless, of course, it keeps on some other way, like lobbying from "Big Wind" (and traditional energy companies are always happy to jump the bandwagon once there are subsidies guaranteed by law)?

Comment You misread the article (Score 1) 242

It's about 3,000 MW each - 2,919 for Doel and 2,985 for Tihange.

From Wikipedia:

At the start of 2012, there were 498 operational wind turbines in Belgium, with a capacity of 1080 MW. [2] The amount of electricity generated from wind energy has surpassed 2 TWh per year. [1]


Electricity consumption in Belgium has increased slowly since 1990 and nuclear power provides 54%, 45 billion kWh per year, of the country’s electricity.[1]

Excluding some magical increase of wind conditions to radically change capacity factor, 2.3GW would just raise those 2-odd TWh/year to somewhere near 5 TWh/y, thus making the dent rather unimpressive. And that's without counting in the intermittency of wind which would need to be balanced by pumped storage plants which are quite lossy not to mention nonexistent (at least in the required capacity) and based on a completely different economic model (pump up using cheap night electricity and generating during peaks).
The artificial island as pumped storage is indeed cool and useful idea but its 300 MW for 5 hours are not gonna make that much of a dent.

Sorry for being uncool and boringly realistic spoilsport, but seriously people, there would be no need for it if you just did your math (and fact checking) for yourself.


Comment From TFA (Score 1) 168

There are 3.2 gigawatts of geothermal power connected to the U.S. grid, less than 1 percent of the grid's capacity. Government estimates put the potential for new discoveries of conventional geothermal power at about 30 gigawatts, and EGS at more than 100 gigawatts over the next 50 years.

We can safely assume that the oil companies can sleep soundly at night.


Adobe Stops Flash Player Support For Android 332

New submitter Craefter writes "Adobe has finally seen the same light Steve Jobs did in 2010 and is now committed to putting mobile Flash player in the history books as soon as possible. Adobe will not develop and test Flash player for Android 4.1 and will now focus on a PC browsing and apps. In a blog post, they wrote, 'Devices that don’t have the Flash Player provided by the manufacturer typically are uncertified, meaning the manufacturer has not completed the certification testing requirements. In many cases users of uncertified devices have been able to download the Flash Player from the Google Play Store, and in most cases it worked. However, with Android 4.1 this is no longer going to be the case, as we have not continued developing and testing Flash Player for this new version of Android and its available browser options. There will be no certified implementations of Flash Player for Android 4.1. Beginning August 15th we will use the configuration settings in the Google Play Store to limit continued access to Flash Player updates to only those devices that have Flash Player already installed. Devices that do not have Flash Player already installed are increasingly likely to be incompatible with Flash Player and will no longer be able to install it from the Google Play Store after August 15th.'"

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