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Comment Which blockchain? (Score 4, Insightful) 106

Blockchain uses computer code to record every step of a transaction and delivery in a permanent digital ledger, providing transparency

Strange - I've been familiar with how blockchain technology works since 2012, and that doesn't sound like blockchain technology to me. Maybe they mean that they have developed some sort of custom enhancement? Couldn't they just record all this in their own database? Being light on specifics it's hard to see how blockchain technology is helping them at all here, unless it's to raise their stock price by throwing around the latest technology buzzwords without knowing what they mean.

Comment Re:Intent? (Score 1) 154

Links would be given to individuals to access information to which they alone had been granted the legal right to access. No such right had been bestowed on the accused who circumvented the "security,"

The law should never treat security by obscurity as "security." Punishing somebody because somebody else was stupid is beyond wrong.

Comment What's new here? (Score 2) 130

I bought a Verizon prepaid phone last year and it had a sticker that said it was locked to Verizon for a year "to justify the low subsidized cost of the phone" or something like that. Is this expanding from prepaid phones to all of their phones, or was this already true for all of their phones?

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