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Comment Re:remember when Walmart was all "Buy American!" ? (Score 1) 289

In the bible it says it is immoral to be a slut. Read Ezekiel 23. Moreover it says anonizing(masturbation, pulling out when you come and coming on the ground instead, wasting sperm) and sodomizing (this includes anal sex, but also oral sex, any kind of sex where you may come somewhere else but the proper hole, i think also sex between two men or two women, but tittyfucking is probably anonizing, I'm not sure it has ever been defined as such) are also immoral. I'm not sure about the chapters, I'm not enough of a bible thumper yet. But as far as I understand the only appropriate sex is one between a husband and wife and ejaculating into the vagina, except when she's on her period when there should be abstinence. That's what the bible says, as far as I can tell. It was written in a day and age where people died young and the world had plenty room for new people. These days we talk about global overpopulation problems, and the answers to it, besides contraceptives that we can't manufacture properly, are anonizing and sodomizing, or abstinence. Also abortions, but now you're talking heavy duty decisions and very serious stuff. Abstinence is difficult, and there may be proven health benefits to having a sex life, if nothing else, masturbation at the very least.

Comment Re:What situation? (Score 1) 431

I recently found some Ambrosia Honey Co. stuff from Colorado at Walmart. Being from the mountains you assume there is less agriculture, and less Monsanto biotech stuff, like sprayed insecticides or insecticide-producing genetically modified plants, but it's not certain how they get the honey, but there is a higher chance that it's clean and it's made by healthy bees. As you say Desert Honey has the least chance of insecticides, as who will spray it in the desert? There is no agriculture there, but some wild flowers.

Healthy bees are becoming rare. Especially the wild variations. Bees and other bugs have been around for a long time, they've seen dinosaurs, they've seen humans appear out of nowhere, but up until a century or two ago they were mostly fine, and these days they are under deadly attack from very specific chemicals called insecticides, each decade getting more and more potent. Also lawn mowing killing anything of color on the lawn, such as white, yellow, red or blue, is widespread, the acceptable lawn being one that's pure green, hosed with all kinds of chemicals. What are the butterflies and bees supposed to eat? You know what a butterfly's face looks like? It has a huge dildo sticking out of it, it has no teeth, no lips, no tongue, but one long tube only, and it lowers it into a flower to suck nectar. Bees are more complex, they have the sucker and the chewing mandrils, both, while grasshoppers only have the mandrils, but no suckers. Every single colored flower means a bug with color vision. The flower and the pollinating bug - one cannot live without the other.

Besides insecticides being widespread, I think another cause of CCD (colony collapse disorder) was overharvesting of honey. A beekeeper is stuck in a financial pinch, he's forced to take more honey and feed more sugar solution instead of what he feels is appropriate, and by bees not consuming enough honey that's full of antibiotics and moderating agents, keeping traditional parasite levels at, say 0.03% level, in balance, by not letting bees eat honey but have them eat sugar instead, such diseases grow to, say, 40% in the population, and many of these occurring simultaneously succumbs the population. The answer to the problem is to lower insecticide use, and keep beekeepers out of financial hardship, so they don't have to kill their own bees and can maintain a better balance on how much honey he (or she) takes.

Comment Re:I'll buy anything from China except food (Score 1) 431

That's retarded, as ammonium nitrate is an excellent fertilizer, and the cost of finding enough horse shit to get the same level of nitrogen in the soil is too high, it is not optimum economics. I think "chemical free" means the funky organic toxins used as pesticides - insecticides, rodenticides and herbicides - which are potentially toxic to humans too, not just anything man made synthetic. Also when it comes to animal derived foods, antibiotic and hormone free stuff, such as meat and eggs. I eat a lot of eggs, and I think they use arsenic compounds as the cheapest means of mass-controlling the nastiness of congested chickens sitting on top of each other and shitting on each other and sitting covered in shit all day, so in that disease hell the only way to stay alive is by being pumped full of antibiotics, and all that arsenic ends up in the eggs too or wherever phosphorous goes, it also has the side effect of blowing chickens suddenly up with fatty tissue for a good price (cha-ching!), so I eat chicken or eggs to get this free arsenic antibiotic, but with the side effect of having excess fatty tissue too. What's worse, being sickly, or being a bit fluffy, having extra fat in places you'd rather not? So I think organic chicken is arsenic and antibiotic free too, and I would avoid it for that reason, if I wanted the antibiotics, since I live in a congested urban area, where, even if people don't shit on each other from being crowded, being crowded means the bacteria floating in the air have a higher chance of being a human disease, than out in the middle of nature where there is nobody else but you for miles, and then the bacteria there have a very small chance of being a human disease. I don't understand people that yearn to go to concerts and crowded venues like that, to me that spells disease, there is this natural sense of appropriate amount of human population density that's still balanced out enough by regular nature and abundance of other lifeforms. A healthy harmony.

Comment Re:And another on the ban pile (Score 1) 289

Yeah but by making a car that runs forever they are helping out the customer and undermining the car industry by creating fewer jobs in the future. Don't you know that our motto is to make a lot of crap, so we can keep busy making it? Everybody needs a job, and you are killing jobs if you make a quality product! You have to make crap, as a matter or honor, if you make a quality product, that's like pulling the bread out of someone's kid's mouth! Without a job you can't pay your bills! Having no bills, whoever heard of such a thing? Because there are some standard costs you can't avoid, unless you're a yeoman farmer with no property taxes, such as housing, utilities and food, and recently they are trying to shove insurance down on everyone's throat too (in the form of mandatory health insurance, when previously you could opt not to drive and not buy any form of insurance whatsoever, car insurance being the only mandatory one but only if you drive. Now they are trying to introduce a mandatory existence fee to Da Man (not even the government itself in form of some minimum tax per person, but to some private party in form of a health insurance premium)).

I personally stopped buying car insurance too, and the only insurance I will limit myself to purchase in the future is the kind that is not mandated by law, such as rental car collision, if I find the price vs. risk is a good deal for me, but I will decline anything mandatory by law, even free health insurance from my employer (which means I'll lose my job pretty soon if they offer to hire me permanently), or car insurance, especially since they started raising the bloodsucking limits required by law to double what they used to be? Why they stop there? Why not have a minimum five hundred million dollar bodily injury limit, isn't even that too low? My only problem with mandatory insurance is the price, since I am willing to purchase car insurance if they can sell me one for $0.01 (i.e. 1 cent) premium payment for 6 months for minimum coverage limits set by law. That's my free market price, and if nobody is willing to match it, the government has no business telling me to buy it. Or are they gonna get involved in insurance price control too now?

I'm waiting for the time they take me to jail over it, I want this stance of being against any mandatory purchase from a private party by law bullshit on my record. Put it there, I went to jail for not buying insurance that I did not feel was a good deal for me. The government can collect taxes, and set whatever the rates should be. That's it. Taxes are the only say they have in my financial dealings. Not ordering me how to spend my money, what to buy, what not to buy. Next they'll order me to buy tomatoes, or a smart phone, or a dvd movie, regardless of the price. If nobody is willing to sell tomatos to me for 99 cents/lb, I don't think I should have to buy it. Next they'll issue a booklet on when to sleep, how long to sleep, when to wake up, when to fuck, how long to fuck, how long to work, how long to sit on the toilet, what color to die your hair, what tattoos are appropriate, also what kind of piercings, etc, similar to Mao Tse Tung's Little Red Book instructing you how to live your life, how to be a good communist. I can't really find a good copy of it, it's been a while since I seen the booklet with the bs instructions on how to live life, but I found this link of quotes, some of them are like woah! Free speech extreme. Read only at your own risk:

Comment Re:remember when Walmart was all "Buy American!" ? (Score 1) 289

The race to the bottom is also called free market price competition, and the race to the bottom in quality comes about as a necessity from the race to the bottom in price. If you don't participate, you're out of the game. It's like having good morals vs. being slutty. If you always have good morals and you are never a slut, you're out of the game too. How to find that magic balance point, ehh? Quality vs. price? Cuz either extremes get you out of the game. How to maintain quality in SSDs while winning the race to the bottom on price? How to maintain your good morals while also being a good slut?

Comment Re:I can't buy one (Score 1) 377

Ezekiel 23:20, check out the wikipedia page on energy density to get a clue. Large caps are worse at energy storage than batteries, but are faster, and would be used if the batteries could not keep up with the breaking energy getting dumped to them. They store less and are more expensive than batteries per calorie stored. Batteries have the same problem compared to conventional gasoline - they are very expensive per calorie stored, and also have limited life compared to the engine. The biggest issue with hybrids is the super expensive deep cycled large storage capacity battery dying and needing replacement.

Comment Re:So says the richest man in the world... (Score 1) 284

By the way you can hit the top score in that game if you construct a road running a bunch of Camels from Katsina to Novgorod, if you luck out with a Katsina with lots of diamonds, not just ivory, and you attack Cairo to lose access rights so you don't get a screen pop up every time you go through it. Every time you get an attack or storm and hit Esc you don't have to fight it, that's like a cheat. Also it takes forever if you get involved in politics, so if you just focus on one thing, trading, and nothing else, you'll end up losing half of everything when you have 400,000 florins, then 800,000 florins, every time Venice gets sacked, and the banks where you keep your money in there get sacked,(which you could have avoided by hiring private armies to defend the city and banks where you keep your gold) but can fairly easily get to 1,000,000 florins which gets you the Merchant Prince title in the score log. After that the game gets kinda boring, but it's a nice game to have for the next generations to learn.

Comment Re:So says the richest man in the world... (Score 1) 284

It's voila, not viola. There is this old DOS game, the Merchant Prince, where you can throw parties, etc, and the game is all about profit, difference is prices, also bribing cities, local rule, church, pope, silly corruptions, silly pirates, private armies, and it's all in the name of profit, how profit controls activity and seeking it makes the world a better place, and it does describe the best way to world ever functioned, right before the Lord Almighty, or powers that be, decided to take Columbus over to this other place called Columbia, and bring this kind of world over too - with churches, gunpowder, horses, sail ships, etc, colleges, sciences, etc. Now the Great Spirit regrets a lot of it, especially losing so many of his people, and I had this dream, like a year ago, where they say we lost so many of our brothers, there is only a few of us left, like you can count it on two hands, and they point up to the top of the cliff-hilltop, where a small white colored church with a cross on top is standing, as in, that is part of the problem, or cause, that christian brotherly love hypocrisy is what destroyed us because it's so powerful, and then there is an ambulance rushing, and cops, somebody got shot again, it's one of my people again, and you can see he is in tremendous pain and bleeding from the gut, but still alive, and they did it fighting over the women.

Over a decade and a half ago I saw this PBS documentary, with a native american on a reservation saying he accepted the Lord three years ago, then. And you can tell on his face, his words, his body language what a rape-job that was, how that robbed him of everything that he used to be. Now he probably gets good food, an easier living, etc. But that kind of stuff is just plain wrong. Forced conversions of Great Spirit believers by the Judeo-Christian powers that be are not in accordance with the ways of God.

Comment Re:Needless to say (Score 1) 34

I was just thinking about this topic driving home today. How a local discount store used to carry Dorco Pace 4 shavers, and I've used them for like the past 5 years, and they last like 6 months a package of four at least, for something that used to be a lot cheaper than the standard Gillette or Schick or Bic stuff, but now they've switched to Dorco Pace 6, which is more expensive, and it sucks! I mean I used it but it does not go at it strong enough, you have to scrape your face a few times with the Pace 6 compared to the Pace 4 that used to like dig in, and the blades in it would last friggin forever, for months, with shaving 5 mornings a week. I'd go like a whole friggin year on a $3.xx-4.xx pack of 3 or 4, I bought the packs like 8 or 10 times my entire life and they've taken me through the last few years. So I go online, and go to these frugal advice webpages, and they talk about Dollar a Day shaving deals, how you can save a lot of money on it, or you can upgrade to Harry's razors for better quality. A whole friggin dollar a day for shaving? Are they out of their minds? If it comes with a blowjob, then yeah, I'd pay a dollar a day for a shaving deal, but I'd be paying for the shaving and get the blowjob part for free.

So I was thinking how come when sex is bundled I'd be willing to pay more, but I would not be willing to pay directly for sex. See here is the ultimate dilemma, because once you start paying for sex, it degrades sex, it's not two free people interacting out of their free interest and free enjoyment of each other, (and in this case free as in beer translates into free as in freedom), and mutual respect, it's a most private personal thing degraded to an I'm doing this out of necessity not because I'm enjoying it. Like somebody held a gun to my head and told me to get naked, but instead it's like starvation is on the line, etc. So even in porn about the most important thing is that the person doing it be happy. If they look like they feel exploited, ashamed, unhappy in any way it's crappy porn. The best porn is watching somebody have an orgasm, and you have mirror neurons, and you can feel what they feel, so to speak, but when they are faking it, and it's obvious, and they are doing it for the money, that's horrible porn. It takes the authenticity of freedom, happiness, and mirror neuron shit out of it, because you were gonna get off on someone else getting off, but when they fake it that's like being betrayed. So the only porn or even prostitution, worth anything, is one where people like what they are doing and would be willing to do it even for free, or even pay to do it themselves, not because they do it for the money. And then giving them money on top of it, that makes them extra happy, so this is where it all gets really complicated. It's really hard to ask from real life prostitutes to enjoy what they are doing and do it for free or even pay for it themselves, instead of getting paid for it, in most cases real life prostitution is about desperation and needing to make an income or feed a family, and those are very inhumane things, so we erect laws against them, so nobody on welfare could be told, hey, why don't you go work the corner or suck some old fetid guy off and make a living that way, because she can say "it's against the law." It's a very private and personal thing that people shouldn't be forced to do no matter what the circumstances, even life and death circumstances. If someone tells me you either gonna sweep or mop this floor or you'll starve I have absolutely no objections against that, I'll mop the floor, but if they say here's a rich 80 year old man, and he wants to get a blow job for money, so you can buy food on it, and she'll be like no, that's not a viable option to make a living, for her. For her is what matters, because if she likes to do that stuff, she can, just because it's against the law it happens anyway, but she can cite the law to escape it, and have a personal choice. There are a whole lot of 80 year old men with some money saved up from their meager social security checks that would be interested, and they are wrinkly, nasty looking, but breeding age, nevertheless, but you should not be able to confront a young woman, and tell her that look, here is a way to make a living. Like some young silly girl I meet, early 20s, maybe 19, she worked at a country club as a servant, and I'm like there are a lot of old men there, she's like yeah, she's good at getting extra tips from them when she's the one bringing them the drinks, by the way she flirts, and I'm like I bet they are perverts, she's like yeah, like one of them, like 82, told her, girl, if I was only 20 years younger, - and you can tell on the tone of her voice how upset she is - and she says yeah, that would make you what, friggin 60? So she's working this near minimum wage job busting ass midnight shift, same as me, and you can tell she's fuckin tired, and brings home less than 350 a week, and then she'll wander into the lunchroom sometimes, mumbling to herself I have a son I have a son, and you know all she's thinking about is sucking 80 year old dick for what? I'm guessing 500 bux in 10 minutes, twice a week? The draw of prostitution as a way to make a living is intense, and not everyone is hot enough like her for the 80 year old perverts to wish they were 20 years younger. Sometimes I have this idyllic thought that there are all these pornstars with free "sample" images of them all over the web, and they are hoping to make a lot of money on it, but it's like when they get really old, over 60, and they go broke, that's kinda time to really help them out, because a little bit then goes a long way. What a romantic thought about porn. Get real. It's the real world. Who's got money to throw around. Especially on illegal prostitution stuff. To make it legal, you always have to bundle it with something, like even a toothpick or a paperclip, and then you pay a lot of money for the paperclip, as consideration, and get the sexual/prostitution related material for free, which is not illegal to get for free. So my advice to any women involved in prostitution who want to be involved and even maybe enjoy it too, try to bundle it with something. Even escort service, or massage service, anything nonsexual service, like paint your house, mow your lawn, clean your house, wash your dishes, for a lot of money, and then you give the sex for free, and then it's not illegal, the cops can't mess with you. Why he give you $500? I washed his dishes, or swept his kitchen, or dusted the furniture. In french maid outfit.

So how about shaving for a dollar a day, comes with a blowjob? Nah, that's too expensive. Maybe a quarter. Hey that's a lot of money! We respect money. It has always said on it "E Pluribus Unum," and from like the 20th century also "In God We Trust." It's on the quarter and even on the penny. So there is nowhere else to buy Dorco Pace 4 except ebay, and the best deal with S/H included is directly from Korea. And I'm assuming it's South Korea with all its caring Chaebols cuz they don't make diddly squat in North Korea, because they don't have the klans called chaebols who actually give a diddly squat about what happens, in North Korea they lack the system of private property, and live under the misery of equality called communism. So the South Koreans are like the Uber breed of the planet, they compete so well and do everything right, at a good price, and the quality is good too, and you wish you could buy the stuff you're so used to from someone else. I mean Dorco Pace 4 used to be like $3, then $4, then $5, but it was still a much better deal than the $(I dont even know anymore, like $7 for 4 cartridges) Mach 3 I used to use for a decade before I started using Dorco, and that lasted long but not as long as Dorco, so now here I go blowing $7.xx on it to ship from Korea, when I want to support US businesses, buy american made (even if it's really made in Malaysia or Philippines or Bangladesh, and instead some rich fat american guy exploits them, them over there get paid almost nothing and all the profits go to the yacht club membership, plus some for tax havens, but some to do to taxes), so I have this desire that I wish they made stuff so good here too, and then I think about... I don't trust any chips and it's near friggin impossible to buy a watch that's not quartz and battery operated, so I look into these oldschool high accuracy mechanical watches, chipless, and top of the line is the automatic winding, self winding watch, dont' ever need a battery, plus don't even need to crank it daily, it self winds if you move your arms, and there is one for like $120 by Seiko, with many jewel bearings (usually red ruby), and it's quality as fuck, but if the apocalypse hits and you can't get your hand on batteries to fuel your quartz watches you still got a functional watch, plus it's trustable because it's chipless, until they break it for you cuz da man hates anything chipless he can't fuck with to make you late from work, but I don't have $120 to throw away for it, so I get these made in China huge digit LCD sports watches at walmart for like $12, and it's chipped, accurate, cheap, but it's chipped, you never know when it's remote controlled. And the other option for self winding watches is from Switzerland, about the same price, but it doesn't have the sexy looks. Come on swiss mofos, Switzerland is stuck up in the mountains with no resources, and traditionally they've been best at making high value added items from nothing, like watches, scientific instruments like scales, or even machinery, and I'm wondering now if they could make razors better than Dorco. I'm talking ones that last not only 6 months, but 12 months. Of course the longer they last the less money they can make on it, but it's still more than making nothing. I'm the customer, and suppliers everywhere are supposed to compete for my dollar to give me the economic optimum value, and the game is not supposed to be rigged maffiozo style where some conglomerate tacit collusin between Schick, Gillete, Bic and the rest of them doing this makebelieve competition yet charging high prices for intentionally shitty quality, or let's say less than stellar quality, just to increase their sales from more frequent purchases, well, that kind of free market stinks, even if Made in USA, and I need competitors like Dorco, and please, somebody from Switzerland too, to reign in the free market misbehavior price conspiracy. There are 1.3 billion Chinese and 120 million Japanese (check out for the massive population decline predicted for Japan) who can buy Korean Dorco, or LG cell phones, and me being of European descent, I'd like to buy Nokia (every friggin time I pulled my Nokia out of my pocket the battery fell out and the sim chip too) or even shavers from Switzerland, or hip looking chipless and batteryless mechanical watches that are not so friggin expensive, but more competitive with the Seiko stuff, but I can't because these Koreans, Japanese and Taiwanese leave everyone else in the world in the dust when it comes to quality and price for that quality, customer satisfaction and value. They take serving the customer seriously, and even if they don't believe in "E Pluribus Unum" or "In God We Trust", they underwrite these statements with a lot of sweat equity and quality work, which are in accordance with the Ways of God.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 466

Maybe you should leave driving to people who actually know what they are doing. Or talking, leave it to the lawyers, and don't ever talk. Hey, some things you gotta do yourself in life, unless you were born as nobility, with special birth privileges, and then you don't even have to do the walking yourself, because some people, called slaves, will carry you around in a box, called a litter,

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