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Comment Re:LOL .... (Score 2) 475

Have you actually turned on a TV or read a newspaper in the last year or two?

Palin and Bachmann associated themselves with the Tea Party movement. They give speech after speech invoking the Tea Party and they have very many Tea Party supporters.

And you're trying to say this is "spun by the lib'rul media"? Amazing.

Comment Re:Political Correctness (Score 2) 300

Good job changing the subject.

When you said, "I wish there was a law to kill stupidity," you were talking about the parent poster. He said something that offended you and you wanted a law to silence him.

Why do you feel such a sense of entitlement? Why do you want big daddy government to solve all your problems?

Comment FCKeditor isn't really a good example (Score 5, Informative) 467

To be fair, FCKeditor was named after its author, Frederico Caldeira Knabben, who is from Brazil. Evidently that was his real name and he didn't at first realize the unfortunate similarity of his initials to an English swear word--but even if he had realized this, they were still his real initials, so I think he would still have some right to name it that. In any case, the name of the editor has now been changed to CKEditor.

Comment Re:Whoops (Score 1) 622

That's exactly what I was saying. Wikipedia did not say that Bitcoin is a fiat currency. I was quoting TFA, which said that, and I was pointing out that TFA was wrong. My (separate) Wikipedia quote above said pretty much what you are saying.

Comment Whoops (Score 3, Insightful) 622

Whoops--I meant to quote a bit more of TFA:

Like most major worldwide money systems, BitCoin is a form of fiat currency, meaning it only has value because people believe it has purchasing power.

That's the important part. Bitcoin is not like most major worldwide money systems.

Comment Inaccuracy in the article (Score 1, Insightful) 622

TFA says:

BitCoin is a form of fiat currency, meaning it only has value because people believe it has purchasing power.

The Wikipedia article says:

Fiat money is money that has value only because of government regulation or law.

That seems more in accordance with reality. As weak as the dollar has been lately, it would be very difficult for it to lose all or most of its value overnight, unless there was a major world catastrophe, because it is backed by the U.S. government. But (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) Bitcoin could crash any time because its value is given to it entirely by (gullible) people's beliefs. Heck, even stocks are backed by something, a company's performance, and those can crash overnight too.

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