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Comment Re:Who's idea was this anyhow? (Score 2) 204

I'm hardly an intensive user, but I can hardly install ANYTHING on my phone because there is so little internal storage. I didn't think it would be a big deal because of the expansion slot. If I want to put a game or something on there, I'm just out of luck. If it is bigger than the
Reminds me of Windows back in the 90's forcing EVERYTHING onto your system partition, leading to hard drive that can't be written to despite being 95% empty. That there is a major electronics supplier that perpetuates a problem like that 20 years later simply astounds me.

Comment Re:A truly rare find (Score 1) 249

Haha, as if there was any need for that. If I kept national security secrets in an unsecured server in my bathroom, I'd be in Guantanamo TONIGHT. If you are a liberal and you are voting for Hillary, you need to have your head examined. She belongs in prison, if not the gallows for her numerous crimes, up to and including treason and crimes against humanity.

Comment Re:A truly rare find (Score 2) 249

[Citation needed]

Show us the proof that the sex was non consensual. The slave in question was his dead wife's half sister. I doubt he would rape one of her relatives.

He thought long and hard on the subject, and came to the conclusion that simply dumping slaves out onto the street with no training was a recipe for disaster for everyone involved, and indeed he spent time and money training his slaves up and then freed them. But training is expensive and time consuming, and they breed very quickly.

He did, however, lead the effort to implement one of the world's first bans on the slave trade.

But hey, fuck him and fuck all his actions and get rid of his entire legacy, including the constitution, because he owned slaves in accordance with social norms even as he tried to change them.

Comment Remove the regulations (Score 1) 392

Don't have regulations for the production of the vehicles, and instead test the cars for emissions during their inspections. Charge them for the amount of emissions they put out, and use the money for remediation.

With a direct cost in play, consumers can make the choice. If polluting doesn't cost much, then they can get away with having a clunker, but if it is very expensive, you will see people move over to electric cars all on their own.

Comment Re:"or at one of the Lagrange points" (Score 1) 211

That's like saying its just as hard to pull something down a mountain as it is to pull it up. Material already in space is orders of magnitude cheaper than material boosted to orbit. Everyone who knows even the barest amount about space mining knows this. This is why the driving factor of that industry is expected to be water rather than the trillions of dollars of precious metals available from a single asteroid.

Comment Re:Shop elsewhere if you need this drug (Score 1) 372

To answer your first question, the market sets a price. To answer your second, the price goes up.

You are exactly correct that this market can not function properly. It is simple to see why when you realize that it is neither free market, nor socialist, nor anywhere in between. Instead, it is fascist.

Comment Re:Don't we (the US) already have that... (Score 1) 1291

>federal, state and local regulations about the handling of hazardous materials were inadequate

If only we had some sort of regulation that would force regulations to be "adequate". Of course, since they met the legal code, there was no grounds to sue, and you can't sue the government for any reason. Government interference puts in a catch 22. Let the market, including the courts, handle it. Reckless endangerment sends people to jail, and has their belongings confiscated.

>Next you'll be claiming we should allow slavery again

Slavery was enforced by legislation, not by lack of legislation. Without the law allowing slavery, slaves could just walk away. If their "masters" beat them for such, the "slaves" could have them arrested.

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
