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Comment Re:What can we do about this? (Score 1) 292

You probably already pay for internet service. For a little bit more money/month, you can get away with as much piracy as you want. If you don't understand all the terms/lingo I'm about to use, hit the google. Here's what you can do:

Here is a novel idea... PAY for your content!

Comment Re:Cue the (Score 1) 299

the Sausage Master is right. Single provider = single point of control, and that's not a good thing. Competition breeds innovation and lower costs.

While that is all true, when was the last time there was a heated debate about how poor our sewage system is, or our water system?

Comment Re:Cue the (Score 1) 299

You can get by just fine without it.

Can you? More and more education resources are on the internet. Most universities require you to have a computer. More government resources or online.
Some people believed that the libraries were important to provide them free to everyone.
And yeah, right now you won't starve if you don't have internet access, that won't necessarily be true in a few years.

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