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Comment Consoles are for trailer trash (Score -1, Flamebait) 232

It is just idiot proof. Consoles are also built to be used by people that aren't exactly cumputer literate. The user has to be able to play a game without much thinking. It will take at least a decade till this model will fade. Turn the console on, put in disc play game, a console just can't afford to be more complicated than that with the current market situation.

Comment Re:same as the PC (Score 1) 389

Since SC4 controls come from an arcade design I'd rather play keyboard only than keyboard and mouse. At the EVO 09 SFII THDR Tournament there was a player with a button only controller, right hand area somewhat mimicking the arrow keys.
Oh and SC4 played with a console controller relies heavily on macro buttons since it isn't possible to properly hit facebuttons simoultanously that are on the opposite side of each others (A and Y on a 360 Controllerfor example), and the SC4 control scheme relies on these combinations a LOT.

Comment Producing for consoles will dumb it down (Score 2, Insightful) 102

The originality of the first 2 Thief titles will never be possible when the game is dunbed down for the console generation.
Just look at Bioshock which was supposed to be the spiritual successor of the beloved System Shock series.
Another victim of the consoles is Deus Ex 2 which I consider a sibling title of Thief 3, same studio, same problems due to console restraints.

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