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Comment Re:Global Warning (Score 2, Interesting) 877

1) Commandeer the newsmedia and make the following policy announcements:
2) All major highways out of the area in question will be made unidirectional for 5 days (with a one lane exception for police/military/fuel supply). If you have a car/van/MC/etc and wish to leave with it, you must do so within the next 5 days.
3) National guard/army/police will be at crucial checkpoints inspecting vehicles. Any vehicle without one passenger for every seat will not be allowed to pass. However, people without vehicles (such as the poor who were left during Katrina) may assemble at these sites and will be offered a seat in your car/van/etc if it is not full.
4) If you refuse to take assigned passengers and/or refuse to eject possessions to do so, your vehicle will be commandeered and given to a car-less driver.
5) On the 6th day all roads will be shut down to personal vehicles and the roads become bidirectional.
6) On days 6-10 buses (and semis capable of hauling people in the trailer) will begin making round trips to evacuate as many of the remaining people as possible. Only vehicles capable of carrying at least 10 people will be allowed on the road.
7) Continued refusal to comply and/or seriously disruptive behavior will result in you being shot on site (both because the delay or misuse of resources you are causing will threaten the lives of others and absolute order is essential to getting as many people out as possible.)
8) The seriously infirm (i.e. nursing home patients, people in the ICU/on vents in hospitals, people who have a less than 6 month life expectancy due to cancer/etc) will not be transported out. If supplies are available and these people consent, euthanasia should be offered by health care workers. To prevent too much hysteria though, during the first 5 days, if you can schlep your family member, they can go in your car/van/suv.
9) All people living outside the 1000km radius will have people assigned to inhabit their living spaces and will be required to accommodate them until more habitable space is available for them. (#7 applies outside of the 1000km radius as well.)

Of course this assumes I have those dictatorial powers. And this certainly would not get everyone out, but I think it would do the most good for the most possible. Though just instituting #3 would have saved hundreds of lives and the suffering of thousands during Katrina.

Comment Re:Necessity (Score 0) 206

I don't think it is unreasonable to use the Communist Manifesto to answer the question "What is communism?".

That is like using On the Origin of Species to answer questions about evolution. Of course quote mining Creationists like to do just that since it weakens the argument, which is I suspect why you use Marx rather than contemporary communist theorists.

Windows 7 To Be Released Next Year? 561

KrispySausage writes "A recently-released roadmap for the next major Window release — Windows 7 — indicates that Microsoft is planning to release the new operating system in the second half of 2009, rather than the anticipated release date of some time in 2010. This quickly-approaching release date would seem to be at least partially verified by news of a milestone build available for review by an anonymous third party." We've previously discussed the upcoming new OS version, as well as its danger to Vista.

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