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Comment Re:$400,000 for what - one letter? (Score 3, Insightful) 335

Nah, I see it coming to a different conclusion.

1. Universal argues excessive fees - wins
2. RIAA sues college kid for more money than he could make in 200 years.
3. EFF argues fees are excessive, is shot down.
4. Current standards of "law and common sense only apply to the poor - the wealthy are above the law" are upheld.
5. Everyone not a giant corporation or in personal possession of more money than most small countries loses.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 1) 350

Oh, like ISP's aren't supposed to permenantly keep information about you?

Face it, those images are permenantly saved, tied to your name/facial scan/however else it can be personally identifiable, and can/will be used against you whenever needed.

Oh, and naturally, all of said data will in due time be lost and thusly leaked online.

Comment Re:Cue the pissing contest (Score -1, Troll) 110

I don't think so. Generally, if anyone wants to be seen as 'better' than the USA, all we'd need to do is point out that "they're americans"

At which point of course, once the laughter dies down, victory is defaulted to anyone not from the USA.

PSST! In case you haven't noticed guys, the USA is the laughing stock of the world... kinda like the big, retarded kid that things everyone is laughing WITH him. We're not.

Comment Re:I'm surprised nobody has said this yet, but.. (Score 3, Insightful) 622

I think the reasoning the OP said only retards join scientology is because it's difficult to imagine a smart, well-informed person believing it. I mean... came to earth on a jet, aliens inside our bodies, blown up around a volcano... what part of that should make me think "Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable, and fits in with the history of the planet"?

In all honesty, I would LOVE to have a good, thorough talk with a fully-believing, intelligent scientologist. No flaming, no yelling, hell, I won't even insult him or his beliefs. I would just like to see if I can understand WHY he follows that religion as opposed to others.

Comment Re:No joke, it's hard (Score 1) 186

Zuh? Why in the world would you go to the effort of copying all files from a tape drive except what you want deleted to somewhere else, and then destroy the physical tape the 'to be deleted' file is on?

I mean, I'm not a programmer by profession (although I have dabbled in it for years), but I can't imagine it would be that hard to make a program that writes over the data of X file with zeroes. *BAM*, problem solved, no wasted time or items.

Isn't there even a contest of some sort in which a hard drive is overwritten using a *nix command for overwriting it with zeroes that noone has ever recovered data from? Ever?

Hell, at the bare minimum, go with your original theory of copying the 'good' files elsewhere, and then use that 'overwrite' command on the tape! There, reuseable!

Comment Re:Apple is ass (Score 1) 425

It reminds me of the band 'KISS', who sues pretty much anyone attempting to use the word 'kiss', or even any form of it, anywhere.

And they always succeed.

So if a band can stop the use of a common term for a show of emotion from ever being used, why can't Apple stop the use of a common fruit from ever being used.

Isn't living in lawyerland wonderful?

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 438

I think that's thinking too much into it. Personally, I think their line of thinking goes more like:

We haven't run out of IPv4, therefore it is unnecessary to change from IPv4.

I don't think anyone will 'really' change to IPv6 until we are literally fully, 100% out, and they have no other option. And even still, it'll take at least a year after that point.

Comment Re:If I ever see (Score 1) 144

I actually outright refuse to shop at a few select places whose obnoxious ads have pissed me off.

At the very top of the list are Old Navy and Old Spice. GOD I hate those ads, and I could care less if they have a product I want, I'd gladly pay twice their price for a similar article from somewhere else if I needed to.

Sadly, more people need to vote with their wallets in this manner... otherwise my gesture is simply only to appease me mentally, but does nothing either to or for the company/product.

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