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Comment Re:90%, not so coincidentally... (Score 2, Insightful) 279

This has absolutely nothing do to with dark matter. So, yes it is a coincidence. And an approximation.

They're improving their technique for observing distant galaxies. Which doesn't in any way invalidate observations of (astronomically) very close galaxies. Which is what we base the existence of dark matter on.

Comment Re:This is GPU-only, the less interesting question (Score 1) 213

Desktops will always be much more powerful than phones, and there will always be ways for the "bulk of people" to utilize that extra power.

Why on Earth won't the future be like now in this sense - mobile small computers (smart phones, netbooks, tablet pcs) that you can lose or break reasonably easily. Bulkier boxes sitting at home, that never go anywhere (not exactly a huge drain on the space inside people's home...where's the push to plug a tiny phone into your huge monitor)?

And in the middle laptops.

And why won't there be some "cloud" computing and some decidedly non-cloud computing? Do people in the future lose all concept of redundancy?

If anything, I expect a more heterogeneous range of computing devices/methods in the future, not less.

Comment Re:I am very sceptical... (Score 2, Insightful) 1093

Which climate skeptics are on the payroll of "big oil" and are getting the "same weight" as pro-AGW-IPCC scientists?

Your example doesn't meet both conditions. Having an attempted "research boycott of two journals that published the study" isn't receiving the "same weight".

Having the "same weight" would be appearing in an IPCC report along side the paper that this was attacking (the Mann et al "Mike's Nature trick" paper).

So when you see hacked emails showing scientists dissing people like them, or McIntyre, or any of that ilk, realize that the scientists *really do* think that these people are putting out garbage and have vested agendas.

Granted, but the leaked emails and documents seem to allegedly show scientists that *really are* putting out garbage and have vested agendas. And they're receiving public money. And trillions of public money rest upon their "science".

Comment Re:I am very sceptical... (Score 3, Interesting) 1093

Here we have climate change skeptics, on the payroll of big oil getting the same weight as scientists with real, irrefutable data

Perhaps you could back this up in some kind of way.

Which climate skeptics are on the payroll of "big oil" and are getting the "same weight" as pro-AGW-IPCC scientists?

What irrefutable data shows AGW to be true?

Look forward to your references, you're not just pulling this out of your ass, I'm sure. Heaven forfend.

Comment Re:Hottest month in Darwin... (Score 1) 1093

And when you say, "tree rings!", I ask, "How precise are they?" A cool but sunny summer, or hot but dusty/cloudy/smoky summer could produce anomalous results.

Some carefully selected tree ring series are very, very accurate until 1st January 1960 (just after the calibration period) when they become massively inaccurate, and MUST NOT BE PLOTTED.

Also, "denialist" isn't a loaded, flamebait term.

Comment Re:Back in the day... (Score 1) 236

There was once a time that Russia would have just kept schtum. How many UFO reports are due to similar failed firings prior to the end of the Cold War?

Hopefully none because people had worked out what this was as soon as it happened.

Everyone without a tinfoil hat knew it was a failed rocket of some kind.

Comment Re:Political Agendas (Score 4, Insightful) 1011

They can't attack the science, so they attack the scientists.

This statement is utterly false.

Read climate audit. Read about the divergence problem. Read about unreproducible graphs. Read about bizarre weightings. Read about manipulated data from now "lost" raw data. Read about white noise input yielding "increasing temperatures" as output.

There is much to attack in this "science".

Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 822

I'm bemused but not surprised by such a post being modded "informative".

And nothing on Wikileaks invalidates any of the work done at CRU or any other climate research institute.

No, on the contrary, in science, deliberate manipulation of data to give the results you wanted from the beginning invalidates your results. Sorry. And the emails are not just internal CRU emails. And the manipulation of data was not just by the CRU.

The reality of all that hoopla is the people doing the agitating had long since decided that not only can the climate not change.

The "climate not changing ever" is precisely the opposite of what "skeptics" argue.

Flattening any unwanted bumps before the industrial age, OTOH, is precisely what the AGW desire

And this is what they do, in an undocumented way, which can't be reproduced from the raw data, which they are loathe to release anyway.

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