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Comment Inevitable. (Score 3, Insightful) 294

I don't want to wait in a line if I have a simple transaction - like checking into a hotel or printing tickets. Faster line to the kiosk, faster service by the kiosk, (usually) no confusion on the part of the computer. I like to have the opportunity to do things for myself, before having to rely on another person - often, this is not possible. Complex problems require human intervention. Computer errors too. And customer service by a computer exacerbates problems, because it is perceived as insincere and says, "we don't care about you and we aren't going to waste our time on you". Human workers will always be necessary - but in declining numbers, as machines become increasingly efficient and capable of performing complex tasks that could only have been done by a human before.

And for as fun/cool/effective as technology is, Slashdot readers are innovating their own demise.

Comment Re:no subject (Score 5, Interesting) 150

I am also an amateur competitive road cyclist... I was injured in a crash last August and broke my hip. I moved from Manhattan to Jersey City, New Jersey that December. After 6 months recouping, I tried to get out and ride my bike, but I have to travel at least 10 miles on narrow, high-volume traffic thoroughfares before I can reach any roads that are actually safe to ride on. Needless to say, I haven't competed in any races this year, and I've put on almost 40 pounds in the past 6 months. I could eat all day long and not budge from 155 pounds... I've continued to eat the same amount, but yesterday I weighed in at 192 pounds :-(( I bought a trainer, but I cycle for enjoyment, freedom and exhilaration, not as a compulsory workout. Good health is merely a side-effect of my chosen hobby.

Jersey drivers are notoriously bad; the roads south of the George Washington Bridge are in horrible disrepair, and drivers have the mentality that the road is completely theirs and nobody else has the right to be on them - cyclists least of all. I LOVED riding 10-20 miles per day to work and back each day while living in Manhattan. Nowadays, what should be a 6-mile commute is a 25-mile commute, because I have to either take the PATH train, or ride 20 miles out of my way to the GWB on dangerous high-speed roads that do not accommodate cyclists.

Contrary to logic and popular belief, I find New York City to be extremely cyclist-friendly. I take up a lane, ride the speed limit, stay out of people's way, and obey most traffic laws. IMO, bicycle lanes are THE most dangerous place to be - nobody respects them, doors fly open, people double-park in them (cops and delivery trucks especially)... New York City drivers - and buses and taxis - are aware of how many cyclists are on the road, and are generally on the look-out for us (and this goes hand-in-hand with the cyclist obeying the laws and using 'common' sense). It is the *out-of-towners* who are the most dangerous on the roads, because they are either oblivious to cyclists, or have that "you don't belong in the road" mentality.

I am moving straight back to Manhattan early in 2013, and can't wait to get back on the road - and lose all this fucking fat!!

Comment iOS 6 trash (Score 0) 98

Soooooo glad I haven't "upgraded" to iOS 6 yet. Between the maps and now this, it sounds like a real piece of trash. I've been an Apple hater for decades - their PCs suck, but I will admit that their hand-held devices are amazing. They've taken a big step backwards in my book, with iOS 6.

Comment I'm always right! (Score 1) 823

Arrogance? Naaaah! Just confidence :-) When you're right about everything, it is very frustrating to deal with wrong/stupid people/Republicans.

What do I do? I'm a life-long computer nerd but studied my other passion in college - political science. So, I've gotten to be real good with rhetoric, to disguise my strong language in sweet-sounding prose and occasionally throw a few qualifying statements in there so that I don't make them feel so stupid.

But in similar fashion, it sometimes drives me crazy to argue with a fellow computer nerd who ~does~ know what they're talking about, but just has polar-opposite opinions from my own (like Mac users... tho they are more like idiot-savants).

I have an opinion on everything, it's always correct, and it matters more than everyone else's! :-D

Comment Picard! (Score 1) 618

*Clearly*, Picard was the best captain. Some on here are calling him just a manager - but he was a much deeper character, much more nuanced, intelligent, and just as capable of making tough decisions. He would take responsibility in any situation, and fight to the death to protect the crew. My favorite episodes are "The Best of Both Worlds" and "The Game". There is one other episode, where these glowing energy devices (pink and blue) were scattered around the ship under the floors, and caused a holodeck malfunction... anyone help me out with that one?

Comment Introversion (Score 1) 1

I'm an introvert - I generally don't ever start a conversation, but will only do so for a legitimate reason - a compliment of their clothing/technology, or a shared interest like if they are running Linux on their laptop. I stay out of my office kitchen/pantry/water cooler area until I know that everyone has left. I keep my office door closed, my light off and my table lamp on. I keep as low a profile as I possibly can. Granted, I am the only technical person on my office floor, and one of perhaps 5 men (most 40+) amongst 50 women (most 35+). I don't have much in common with any of them.

I hate having the water-cooler conversation - the empty "hi, how are you doing, nice day isn't it?". Having a forced conversation with the sole purpose of breaking the awkward silence. I dread riding the elevator with someone from my floor.

I'm not anti-social, exactly. I have a damn good time with my friends (great friends, who I see at ~least~ a few times a year, from high school and college), and love going to bars and clubs (I do get a bit more talkative when I'm really trashed... but I'm still a nice guy :-) ). I just don't like having fake conversation for no reason. Some people call such conversation "networking". I will certainly concede that networking is beneficial, but to ~me~ it is a very shallow relationship, basically saying "I only want to talk to you/get to know you because it can benefit my financial situation, and I wouldn't otherwise."

I avoid social situations and I am proud of it. Sure, it gets lonely sometimes - but as an only child and as a nerd, I learned a long time ago how to keep myself entertained... a healthy curiosity also means that there is always something new to examine or think about.

As far as hanging out when it is inconvenient/burdensome... I'm not typically a night-owl and unless I have planned on going out at night (like leaving my house in 10 minutes when I'm done writing this, so I can go watch the last presidential debate at a bar with a friend), I hate last-minute plans to hang out late. Traveling sucks, being tired sucks, being far away from home sucks... I like to be in control of my situation and to make plans ahead of time, not have other people making plans for me; if I am bored at the moment and a friend proposes we do something, I can decide if I want to do it or not, and (usually) not just be expected to be there.

Point being, I do like to socialize, but on my terms.

Submission + - NASA achieves data goals for Mars rover with open source software (

caseyb89 writes: "Open source projects Nginx, Railo CMS, and GlusterFS are powering Mars Curiosity's big data crunching. "Taken together, the combination of cloud and open source enabled the Curiosity mission to provide beautiful images in real time, not months delayed; at high quality, not "good enough" quality. A traditional, proprietary approach would not have been this successful, given the short time to deployment and shifting requirements that necessitated the ultimate in agility and flexibility.""

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