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Comment Re:IPv6? (Score 1) 241

The problem is you're trying to apply reasoning to taste. You and the posters above you. Talent may be measurable to some degree, but it would be an enormous waste of time to determine and measure all of the criteria, and most performers are unlikely to participate in the process; but music quality is determined by more than just talent.

As a silly example, it's debatable who has more talent in a class of guitarists which includes folks like Joe Satriani, Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vai and so on, but I personally am more inclined to listen to Steve Vai, because his style appeals to me more than the others. That doesn't make him better or worse, and other people with different taste might prefer the others, and quite a lot of people prefer none of the above.

Taste isn't a measurement of talent, and measuring talent is largely pointless except for the talented seeking to advance their craft or career.

Comment Re:if you go to philly (Score 1) 340

It's pretty doubtful that it tasted like a hoppy IPA; the hop trend is extremely recent, even modern American pale ales tend to be substantially hoppier than traditional IPAs. Traditional American recipes often used other herbs besides hops, and it would be unsurprising if pine needles were included. In fact, it was also common in many traditional American recipes to use sugar sources other than malted barley, such as molasses.

Comment Re:Resistance is the answer (Score 2) 209

It's not so much that you have baboons in your kitchen, or even that you fondle them. But with fetuses scavenged from civil war victims? You disgust me.

Stupid jokes aside, not giving a shit is compelling, but it's a tall order, and one we have to do all at once for it to be effective. At least the idea of airing all of our dirty laundry at once gets us on that path (though I'd much favor putting the genie back in its bottle).

I think the lesson is that we're going to be hard pressed to find answers without costs. We're going to have to work hard and fast, and be honest and forthcoming about these costs.

Comment Re:WWAD (Score 1) 789

If you agree to have sex with her only if she's on birth control; and if she tells you, falsely, that she is on birth control; and if you proceed to have sex; yes, you were raped. You didn't consent to sex without birth control, only to sex with birth control; you had sex you didn't consent to. It's interesting that you assumed I would be inconsistent on this, I've given you no reason to believe that.

To the rest of your post, I'm glad to see you've stayed classy. Especially the part where you claim no one is defending rape, then proceed to say I should be raped. Keep it up, it really helps your case.

Comment Re:WWAD (Score 1) 789

I think you do just what Assange is doing. Secure asylum, demand immunity from extradition as a condition of facing the real criminal charges. It's not perfect, but you can't delay justice indefinitely, and you can't do so on the basis of a hunch that you might be framed; and if you have evidence of being framed, the best way to gain attention for that evidence is in a very public court case.

Comment Re:WWAD (Score 1) 789

I'm not sure I understand what you're implying, but I'll take a shot. Are you saying that you think I'm suggesting Assange should give up and go without a guarantee? I'm definitely not. I have had no purpose in this thread other than to call out rape denial and rape defense. I stand by what I said: we should demand a guarantee against extradition as a condition of Assange cooperating with the investigation of his alleged rape. That's all.

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