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Comment Re:Multichannel audio cards needed with drivers! (Score 1) 513

Thats what I'm saying there is no single device for 16 I/O for Linux, everything is putting 2 8 channel AD/DA converters into some other device to get just 16, each device is like 1500, vs just one small device for 24 real I/O... I used M-Audio 1010 and it's not Pro grade. We need Pro level audio hardware... Maybe we need FOSS Hardware!! I for one would support it with $$$...

Comment Multichannel audio cards needed with drivers! (Score 1) 513

About time this came up on /.

I am a recording engineer and a musician. Unfortunately I have a MOTU 24io which only works with OSx or Windoze. I've tried out Audacity and other stuff, and it works fine, but the drivers for audio cards work if I use only the correct stuff. Drivers Drivers Drivers! I mean getting VST's to work is great, but if I can only have 2 channels to record, I mean that's not gonna work.

I use at least 16 channels at once for recording. We need audio cards that handle 16 channels and drivers that work for me to rig up my studio for linux. God I would love to switch if I could get decent audio with Linux


Submission + - How happy is the internet? (sciencemag.org)

sciencehabit writes: In an effort to gauge society's level of hapiness, researchers scanned over 2 million blogs and over 200,000 song lyrics posted online. They searched for phrases, such as "I feel..." and then looked for words like "love", "triumphant", or "digusted." The upshot? Over the past 5 years, the internet has become a happier place. Songs? Not so much.

Submission + - SPAM: SETI investigates Mars/Earth nanobacteria claim

destinyland writes: "A reporter calls SETI (at their Carl Sagan Center) to investigate the theory of nanometer-sized bacteria living on both earth and Mars. Some bacteria has been proven to survive in the cold, zero-gravity vacuum of space, but despite press reports, SETI says "nanobacteria" experiments may just be detecting calcifying particles (rather than living cells). Other nano-scale microbes on earth "are the real deal" — but there's currently no evidence they'd be found on meteorites or other space debris."
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Submission + - Newspapers Vs Web Echoes Newspapers Vs Radio (slate.com)

eldavojohn writes: Slate has an excellent article that analyzes the similarities between the war of words in the newspapers vs web debate that is currently being fought. Scholar Gwenyth L. Jackaway wrote in a 1995 book called "Media at War: Radio's Challenge to the Newspapers, 1924-1939" that, 'Radio journalists, they warned, posed a threat to the journalistic ideals of objectivity, the social ideals of public service, the capitalist ideals of property rights, and the political ideals of democracy.' And the same litigation, regulation and muscle were used against the radio that are being used against the web today. And interestingly enough it's not about what is the better product for the consumer, the newspapers argue that it will destroy the American way of life and our ideals. And yet, here we are today with radio and newspapers serving us. The article does note two key differences, however, '1) Newspapers are far more invested in the Web alternative than they ever were in radio, and 2) most newspapers regard the Web as a newspaper replacement--if not tomorrow or next week, surely in the next decade.'

Submission + - Divorce Damages Health Even After Remarriage

Ponca City, We love you writes: "The NY Times reports that recent findings from a national study of 8,652 men and women in their 50s and early 60s, suggest that the physical stress of marital loss either through divorce or a spouse's death continues long after the emotional wounds have healed and that married people who become single again suffer a decline in physical health from which they never fully recover, even if they remarry. "When your spouse is getting sick and about to die or your marriage is getting bad and about to die, your stress levels go up," says Linda Waite, a sociology professor at the University of Chicago who co-authored the study. "You're not sleeping well, your diet gets worse, you can't exercise, you can't see your friends. It's a whole package of awful events." Over all, men and women who had experienced divorce or the death of a spouse reported about 20 percent more chronic health problems like heart disease, diabetes and cancer, compared with those who had been continuously married. The study does not prove that the loss of a marriage causes health problems, only that the two are associated. It may be that people who don't exercise, eat poorly and can't manage stress are also more likely to divorce. "Some health situations, like depression, seem to respond both quickly and strongly to changes in current conditions," says Waite. "In contrast, conditions such as diabetes and heart disease develop slowly over a substantial period and show the impact of past experiences, which is why health is undermined by divorce or widowhood, even when a person remarries.""
Social Networks

Submission + - MySpace photos send man to prison (internetcases.com)

Neoflexycurrent writes: "An Arizona man violated his probation (which included him being forbidden from drinking alcohol or using the Internet) and the court found out about it by looking at the man's wife's MySpace page. The photos of him holding a beer were used as evidence against him, causing his probation to be revoked and sending him to prison for 10 years."

Comment Soon button games will be like 2d platform games.. (Score 1) 251

But really isn't motion control really about MORE granularity of control? There are 360 degrees of freedom in all 3 axes giving you MUCH more control really. Also, there will still be some buttons. Instead of doing an actual action (uppercut to the left) they have made it a tight series of button presses.

The worst example of this is Guitar Hero, where it is really NOTHING like playing guitar really.

Button based games are like 2D platform Games vs 3D First Person Shooters, they will always be beloved, but I bet you they will feel 10 years ago pretty soon...

What if you have 6 buttons and 4 motion controllers?? 2 feet, 2 hands and 3 buttons in each hand?!?

Comment Just talking about this today! (Score 1) 208

I was just talking about this with my wife today. We just got a Garmin, and it's nice and everything as a GPS and Bluetooth phone integration and has other useless stuff (Games and msn? UGGH) but it's not integrated into the car like it should be. What is wrong with the car manufacturers, why hasn't Apple done an iCar? If I turn up my music I can't hear the directions.
And having my car computer on the cellular network for web updates of traffic etc. Also having engine computer diagnostics on my screen would help. Also, having mileage and Trip statistics and memorys of places and cell phone hands free and ability to hook my USB drives up for mp3 jukebox... Don't forget voice recognition. And it could phone the ambulance if I crash. All in one built in unit.
But I guess it's too much to think someone would build it into a car where it belongs and it would *JUST WORK*...
So I will have to do like the poster is talking about and hack up my own system... And Linux is a great start.

Comment consultant gig (Score 1) 1127

I was a Y2K consultant and they put me in a small room in the back 8x6 with 2 other consultants, we each had a monochrome terminal and we were doing IMS and Cobol reports. Then we got to the main subroutine, over 40,000 lines of glorious speghetti that looped through with every keystroke. Then we got to the Fortran, and then the assembler. They still had a punchcard reader in the operations area. I'm talking crazy for 1999. Felt like 1969...

Comment Re:So who gets rationed? (Score 1) 395

I recently tried using some p2p on my cell phone sprint 3g. It did seem to hit caps and wouldn't take PHONE CALLS after hitting the limit. No Texting, nothing. Needless to say, I reverted to my FIOS which is uncapped thank God. If it became capped, I don't know who I'd turn to, but I'd be willing to pay... We need companies who don't have investment in their content to provide access so the WAY we get content is different than WHAT content we are allowed access to...

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