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Comment Re:Pull! (Score 1) 182

Actually, isn't this the very reason why the right to own guns was conceived in the first place? The government is obviously too corrupt to effectively prevent ubiquitous surveillance, and even gleefully cooperates with the private sector to jointly effect it. Guns are a perfectly reasonably last-resort.

Comment Re:convenient but useless (Score 1) 203

As much as I adore Portal, you are correct. It is only a novelty when you have been exposed to countless cookie-cutter shooters to the point of utter desperation. To the game-naive bystander, it's just a game where you follow arbitrary abstract rules to achieve certain goals; essentially a glorified puzzle.

In fact, this is what happens when you treat Portal as anything beyond that.

Comment Re:If you want to test it (Score 1) 185

I don't think you have read the post you replied to. The point was, "if you neutralize every element of the enemy's fleet by cracking their codes, the enemy will indeed become aware that the code is compromised. This will not matter because they will not have left any elements in their fleet to act upon the knowledge with".

You know, like how if you siege and capture a castle, it will become apparent that your intent was to attack the castle. Except, who cares, because, you know. You already captured the castle.

Comment Re:A4Q (Score 1) 136

They didn't have to. The immune system is largely inactive in and oblivious to the airspace of the lung. It would only be when the roots breached the walls and entered the blood that the immune system would get wise.

No, you are quite confused. Species of leukocytes often squeeze through capillary walls to exit the bloodstream, wander around in the tissue, and go back. The immune system is very active in the lung, it would be absurd for it to be inactive in a site so exposed to pathogens (frequent inhalation, thin epithelium). In fact, the inflammation-like context is one reason that the lung is a common site for metastatic cancers.

Now "dealing" with the roots, I don't know. Would you expect the macrophages to swallow the roots whole? B-cells producing antibodies to aggregate the plant? Normal plants already survive much harsher environments than mere immune systems, they grow on soil exposed to the elements.

Comment Re:If you want to test it (Score 1) 185

If they just went and rounded up every single one, it would be pretty obvious that the code had been broken.

If they rounded up every single U-Boat, I don't think it would matter whether the Germans know if it is broken- seeing as how they wouldn't have any U-boats left to send secret messages to.

Comment Re:No, you're right (Score 1) 973

Hawking is a physicist not an engineer or a biologist, and it shows.

I had a similar thought. Why is his opinion on the subject being trumpeted as some sort of divine truth? His work has very little to do with the actual practical challenges (both in terms of engineering, finance and convincing the government(s)) involved in leaving Earth. It has very little to do with its ecology and how much damage it will be able to sustain. It has very little to do with history or global politics, and how likely some manner of dark age is to occur in the future.

Quite simply he's the equivalent of my grocer harping on about string theory and his own private "breakthroughs" on the manner. Why is this news? Is it because he does this weird magic science stuff with them stars, so he must know all about getting to them?

Comment Re:Elementary my dear Watson (Score 1) 372

No, the FBI exists to protect serve the public whose tax dollars pay its salary. Just because the system is corrupt and the voters are clueless does not suddenly invalidate the ideals and principles the government was founded on.

Why do you Americans stand for this? Some ass at the head of an agency says "Oh yeah? I can't do it? Who's gonna stop me?" and all you do is bow your head and take it because "hey, can't argue with that".

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