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Comment Scientific methodologies (Score 1) 866

Perhaps if most of the yahoo climate change deniers out there had passed chemistry they would actually believe in what scientists say and not that scientist-brain surgeon (see Terri Schiavo) expert Sean Hannity. High Schools in general (yes there is BOCES) are not trade schools. We have enough boring, one dimensional people.

Comment Zune you say? (Score 1) 575

Reality check. Gates was brilliant (was, even before retiring what great ideas did he have?), able to reverse engineer and OS then hire enough lawyers so he could get rich off of Xerox and Apple's ideas. However he as been so so wrong about so many thing. Do some fact checking. Zune would seem obvious but he was way down on the internet, how much "wronger" can one be. If not for his anittrust actions forcing people to use IE MS would never have caught up. Fortunately for him he has so so much money he could overcome incredibly bad business choices. He's been pretty much idealess in his career, ripping off ideas of others then quashing them thru lawyers. What I always disliked the most about MS products is the arm twisting they do to force you to use them rather than entice people to use your product on account of its worth. Personally I'd choose an ipad with a dock so if I needed input I could. I don't see a room full of students clacking away on min laptops. In the future everything will powerpointed, already annotated so students won't have to be typing away. Shortsighted article.

Comment money money (Score 1) 385

Someone must be hanging some large monetary candy in front of Experian for them to publish such a bogus article. No follow thru thought seems to have been in action. I agree with other comments that 1: not clicking can sometimes be a sucess. How much time do I want to waste sifting thru useless info. The cull rate should be part of the equations. 2: Sometimes the answer I'm looking for is there so I have no need to click. Lets see, I got my answer but according to Experian its a failure. The only reason I ever even use Bing is because MS obfuscates implementing of google as the primary search instead of Bing. I wish one day MS would rely on quality of product rather than brute force to get market share. IE, Bing, Office to name a few examples. Some you literally can't get rid of, some its a total PITA to do so and some just take forever, i.e. removing Office, ugh.

Comment Re:Doesn't matter what they report (Score 2) 465

You are so right. Recently there was some big effort on the right touting the fact that the glacier at Mt. Shasta, as well as 6 or 7 others are growing. I did a little quick research, which I believe should be left to scientists, not creationists like DR Roy Spencer, the NASA naysayer. Anyway my research taught me that there are approximately 100,000 glaciers on the plants. So lets see 7 over 100,000. Are they kidding? Seven are growing at minute levels while 99,993 are melting, some at hight speed. I actually have no idea if all 99,993 are melting, its just the idea that THEIR science only needs a sample so tiny. ugh

Comment trade secrets smokescreen (Score 1) 294

I think the trade secrets mantra is total bullshit. The chemicals they all use (probably all drillers use the same anyway, no real trade secret) are incredibly toxic. The trade secrets mantra is just a smokescreen to hide the truth from the public that would never okay this fracking tech once they know the toxins being pumped into the aquifers.

Comment what about the old "manual" machines (Score 1) 76

What was wrong--I'm not being facetious--I would like to know, with the old voting machines. The ones in which you pushed the big lever to the right, flipped down the little knobs to vote and then push the lever back. Were they hackable? It drives me crazy when the computer experts warn warn warn, but the right wing powers that be, funded by the corporations with the most to gain monetarily and politically, ignore the warnings and are once again wrong wrong wrong.

Comment apples and oranges (Score 1) 335

Weirdos and geeks are unrelated. Weirdos are often individuals with alternative personas. Geeks (not being pejorative, just factual) don't know how to, can't fit it. They may be very smart and therefore perhaps successful (as the weirdos) in later life but for whatever reason in HS they are not yet socially adept, mature. Me thinks the writer of this article was probably a geek, but so clueless.

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