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Comment Re:is this a joke (Score 1) 228

Sounds like a dumb research project to me-- why would a sperm be affected by gravity? It lives inside a fluid which it is about the same density as, so it does not feel the pull of gravity. It's not like sperm are known to have an up/down directional preference; they will find the ovum the same no matter which side the woman is sleeping on.

The real issue is not gravity, it's cosmic radation. Frozen sperm won't be able to repair their DNA (not that I expect regular sperm can, either).

Comment Re:Imagine how far we've come (Score 1) 576

I don't think global warming is likely to reduce food production globally. In general warmer periods of the Earth's history have been much more productive in terms of biodiversity and biomass. It's just hard to predict exactly where the most productive parts will end up (possibly not the same as now).

Comment Re:msmash alarmist clickbait (Score 1) 256

Sea levels are a rather small portion of the issue. According to this, the Louisiana coast is sinking, on average, at a rate about 9 millimeters per year. This has some to do with geologic issues and also a lot to do with the very levees and drainage systems that humans have installed there (since they dry out the sediment, which then shrinks).

The article just wants to link it to climate change because it's a convenient bogeyman, but the truth is, Louisiana is a totally unsustainable place for humans to live. here is a good expose.

Comment Re:Translation (Score 1) 51

Ethics means different things to different people. You say that ethics means ruling that ``some otherwise logical conclusions are "unacceptable" because - other, unrelated reasons.''. Does this imply it's not OK for us to believe certain things that are (from a factual point of view) true because doing so might have what, in your view, are negative social effects? It seems to me that that is an infringement on the most basic of human capabilities-- the ability to perceive the truth. I decided a long time ago-- about the time I was leaving my religion and becoming an atheist-- that I would not worry about the effects-- on my eternal soul or on anythings else-- of believing a certain thing and just believe things based on the evidence, because if you don't try to believe the truth, how can you trust your own thoughts?

I personally believe a lot of things that are considered socially unacceple by most of my peers. I won't say specifically what they are though, because I want to keep my job.

Comment Re:Study proves... (Score 1) 439

Any study where the experimental group gets given *more* money is going to show some kind of positive effect. A tax cut would have done the same thing. The real question is whether the negative effects on economic productivity of having to raise taxes enough to fund a UBI are enough to justify the benefits of the UBI. This is, of course, a subjective question as it depends how much you value equality versus freedom and economic growth.

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