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Comment Re:Could they redirect some of the load? (Score 1) 276

The load isn't on the front-end, it's on the enterprise service bus that talks to all the various government agencies, verifying eligibility status or whatnot. That, and the whole procedure is synchronous, so that it's trying to mix this validation with the user experience instead of sending an email afterwards to let you know whether it worked. (Source: Spoke to Some Guy in the industry.)

If it is just a matter of too many people on at once, I suppose they could assign people timeslots. But it'd be pretty insulting to be told that you can only buy health insurance between 2:00am and 4:00am on odd-numbered days (or if you prefer, even or odd depends on the last digit of your IPv4 address).

Comment Re:First, learn the proper use of "exponentially" (Score 4, Insightful) 361

Not to single you out when there are many other offenders around, but comments like yours remind me of something I don't miss on slashdot. You open up with an unsound criticism of someone's word choice ("exponentially" has an informal non-technical definition that does not equate to geometric growth). You close with a sarcastic putdown. You sandwich good stuff in-between.

Comment Vague criticism (Score 3, Interesting) 361

Did the person who told you this give you any more detail? Are you not engaging often enough, or are you not good at explaining yourself and listening during the times when you are engaged in conversation? The former is partly a matter of being friendly/comfortable with the people you're around. The latter is critical thinking -- what do I understand, what do they understand, will this choice of words be interpreted how I want, etc.

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