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Comment Only for existing series (Score 1) 87

Mass Effect - what is it? RPG? FPS? Adventure? It didn't matter - it was awesome. However, taking CoD and turning it into a Mass Effect type genre would be a disaster only because people expect a certain genre from the CoD series. Example - Sim Societies. If you want to create something new, make sure it is good and has an original title. So yes, Modern Warfare shouldn't be taken in a new direction, but naming it XYZ, from the creators of Modern Warfare, might do extremely well if its a good game.

Comment Re:I absolutely agree with them (Score 1) 642

Yeah - GOG is a great site and I'd highly recommend them. I've purchased a bunch as well - XCOM, Masters of Magic, Masters of Orion, and a bunch of others. Not sure how well they are doing with the younger demographic, but I'm sure they are snatching up a lot of business from the older, nostalgic gamer generation.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 78

I think Facebook is much more than a website for organizing events with people. I'd like to see the stats, but I'd assume a minority of users actually use that functionality consistenty. The appeal of facebook is that it is a collective hub of the social statuses of all your friends, acquaintences, enemies, rivals, etc and a soapbox for an individual to stand up on every once and a while. Want to know what your old friend from High School is up to - oh he has kids now. Remember that hot cheerleader from college - oh got ugly and is unemployed. Remember that girl that broke your heart? She is single and depressed while you are happily married. Yes, it is that shallow of a service, but at the truth of it, so is mankind and society and I don't see Facebook going anywhere anytime soon.

Comment Re:is there anybody here... (Score 1) 288

Isn't there a theory that if there is a power void, that it will be filled by another civilization? You can say whatever you want about America, but when its America's time to take the backseat to another leading world power, the same exact things will be said about them. Its human nature and there is no stopping it.

Comment Re:Tax junk food (Score 1) 978

I forget the exact science behind it, but from what my wife told me from a research she did on obesity, is that HFCS is much worse than refined white sugar. Reason being that its processed on the cellular level completely different than sugar. Let me rephrase - its NOT processed on the cellular level. Its as if the body doesn't recognize it. Instead of being metabolised, it is stored directly as fat.

Comment Re:Well....he certainly talks a good game (Score 2, Insightful) 285

No, I do not believe that a Senator on the Foreign Relations committee has the same intelligence as the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces who has multiple meetings daily with Pentagon staff. Don't get me wrong, I believe all politicians lie to get elected, but in the case of war, there are many things that are not leaked to the general public. Can you honestly say that any individual would stay at war with no justifiable cause - as if he is doing a maniacal laugh in the Oval Office for the suckers who voted for him? Maybe I'm just optimistic, but I'd like to think that he doesn't want to be at war, but has rationalized it to the point of being more beneficial for the American voters who voted for him to stay at war.

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As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. -- Albert Einstein
