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The Real 'Stuff White People Like' 286

Here's an interesting and funny look at 526,000 OkCupid users, divided into groups by race and gender and all the the things each groups says it likes or is interested in. While it is far from being definitive, the groupings give a glimpse of what makes each culture unique. According to the results, white men like nothing better than Tom Clancy, Van Halen, and golfing.

First Self-Replicating Creature Spawned In Conway's Game of Life 241

Calopteryx writes "New Scientist has a story on a self-replicating entity which inhabits the mathematical universe known as the Game of Life. 'Dubbed Gemini, [Andrew Wade's] creature is made of two sets of identical structures, which sit at either end of the instruction tape. Each is a fraction of the size of the tape's length but, made up of two constructor arms and one "destructor," play a key role. Gemini's initial state contains three of these structures, plus a fourth that is incomplete. As the simulation progresses the incomplete structure begins to grow, while the structure at the start of the tape is demolished. The original Gemini continues to disassemble as the new one emerges, until after nearly 34 million generations, new life is born.'"

Comment Re:Code is Law (Score 1) 91

The way this works in reality (the words are in the bill, but may not be obvious):
The law instructs OMB to (within 90 days)issue guidance to agencies.
Agencies then have an additional 90 days to: ...establish or update personal use policies of the agency to be consistent with the guidance issued...
So congress passes law, OMB translates law into guidance, and agencies develop policies and procedures (architecture if you will).

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After an instrument has been assembled, extra components will be found on the bench.
