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Comment Re:Bottom-Up Feedback Lacking (Score 1) 204

A good manager can manage just about anything.

I'm glad you bolded this part, because I completely to agree, and it's one of the most important parts of understanding management overall. Management anything requires a certain skillset, particularly focused on listening and delegation (recognizing employees' skillsets and enabling employees to use them efficiently). If you're able to do that, you're able to manage any employee in any industry once you have a basic understanding of what the company and that particular group is trying to achieve.

Comment Re:Straw man (Score 2) 301

did you notice the sly comment about commercial use?

I'm guessing you've never heard of this little show, easily one of the most successful of all time, originally aired when I was 1 year old and still airing new episodes, called Cops? Commercial use is absolutely something to be concerned about with body cam record requests, and to think that it's some sly comment with an ulterior motive is ignoring that there's a real, undeniable truth to it.

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 2) 485

You're cherrypicking numbers here. I know it both from facts and because I was a young driver at the time, so I paid a lot of attention to gas prices. Gas happened to be on a low swing at that moment in time, and not just because it was winter (which always equates to lower prices), but because of the correction from the previous summer's unbelievably high oil prices. Look at the 2008 summer price average, and you'll see gas was over $4/gallon for a couple weeks - using that number would be cherrypicking too, though, since that was the spike that led directly to the valley you're citing. The real average gas price for the second half of Bush's presidency averages out to about $2.50-$2.75/gallon (with drastic swings between summer and winter, as you'd expect).

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 1) 485

I don't know about some of what you're saying in enough detail to answer, and some of what you're saying is correct (like warrantless spying), but on other counts, you're incorrect. Medical costs are still rising, but at a lower rate than in previous years; it will take time to know if this is a temporary lull that would have happened anyway or a result of the ACA. Guantanamo was slated to be closed, and Obama repeatedly signed orders to do so, but congress blocked the use of funding to move the prisoners, then repeatedly moved in different ways to block the shutdown. Destabilization in north and west Africa has pretty much nothing to do with Obama. In the case of west Africa, we have absolutely every reason to be fighting ebola, while in northern Africa, we're really not getting sucked into their current destabilization in any meaningful way. You're not doing your argument any favors by tossing in things that either show signs of improving (health care costs), or are clearly not his fault for not being able to deliver (Guantanamo).

Comment Re: hazmat gear (Score 2) 294

Do YOU want to be the guy sitting next to one of them on a plane, betting they won't START in with the vomiting and coughing and so forth, until after you're safely away from them at the end of the flight?

Doesn't really matter to me, as long as they were diligent in checking their temperature/being checked. Ebola patients don't go from beginning of fever to vomiting in the span of any but the longest plane flights.

I think one of the big things the CDC should do, though, is mention that the joint pain and lethargy that a lot of the patients are experiencing are frequently a precursor to the fever. If someone in contact with an ebola patient has unusual joint pain (i.e. not a preexisting condition like a bad knee) or lethargy, that should be the signal to get them into isolation, instead of waiting for the fever. We've heard about one of the two being their first symptom from almost everyone who has had it in the US, and they're well-known symptoms of ebola in general.

Comment Re:Meh.... Here's the thing ..... (Score 1) 294

You do realize that ebola causes, essentially, massive vomiting and diarrhea, and most people that die of ebola die of the dehydration it causes, right? Hazmat suits are entirely necessary given that bodily fluids aren't just located inside the body when dealing with an infected patient - they're flying out of every orifice.

Comment Re:Prius (Score 1) 261

The richness needed to drive one also makes it so that people who own Vipers are less likely to be ticketed for a multitude of reasons (including but not limited to the overlap between race and wealth, and the areas where rich people live), so their speeding wouldn't show up in infraction statistics at the same rate as others.

Comment Re:SubjectsInCommentsAreStupid (Score 1) 92

The change to the current system was relatively minor - it was still highly usable, even though it was different. The beta site in its original state, though, was very much less usable than the current incarnation of /. . Looking it over now, it seems like they listened to what people were saying, and changed comments for the better. At least in my view, the atrocious comment layout was the main problem with beta, with some of the other information density weirdness coming in just behind it.

Comment Re:Traffic is up? (Score 1) 144

You reason is entirely valid IMO - you bought the game, and it didn't work under WINE. This guy is saying straight up he doesn't want to buy it because the sellers asking for basic information, and specifically, that they're doing a job that protects both the credit card company (they're liable for fraud, at least here) and himself (since if they're liable for fraud, they need to raise rates to compensate). Those are two entirely different leagues, and comparing them as if they're equal is disingenuous.

Comment Re:Good. IndieGoGo should do it too (Score 1) 203

I can think of one. Townships and cities may not be able to place any solar panels at all besides on top of government buildings and roads. There's not some massive usable field in New York City that you can just toss a bunch of solar panels on, and that situation pretty much extends the entire way to my township nearly 40 miles away contiguously. Even in my town, it's not really possible.

Comment Re:Good. IndieGoGo should do it too (Score 1) 203

I'm pretty sure "viable" doesn't necessarily mean "viable in every locale on planet Earth" - New Mexico might be able to do it while Minnesota may not be able to - that doesn't mean the technology is a wholesale failure.

I'm also pretty sure that indiegogo isn't an ideal way to fund it, but otherwise, it likely wouldn't get funding due to entrenched interests, so I'm all for it.

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