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Comment Re:too much regulation! (Score 1) 251

Well I'm not sure if you have kids, but mine watch way more youtube, Netflix and online games (I know, technically they don't watch the games...) than they watch TV or radio. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is and will continue to be more and more user generated online content as people become more savvy. This process will continue to expand the market, and the idea of asking our pathetic political class to 'fix' the problem with more regulation scares the crap out of me. I believe they need to keep their stinking hands off the Internet. YMMV.

Comment Re:too much regulation! (Score 1) 251

It's not about debt or anything that complicated. Just restoring regulations THAT WE HAD YEARS AGO would help immensely

Yeah, the Government should decide how we listen to music. They sure have had some great ideas about Internet privacy. Power to the government! Sorry I couldn't resist a little snark :P

I'm unconvinced. Myself, I'd rather not have regulation that says we need to regulate the Internet like a series of tubes. How about, we all just listen/buy the stuff we like, and ignore the lame? It's not like we don't have literally millions of entertainment sources. When you involve regulation and Government you get the politicians and Big Money involved. I don't think those guys have our best interests at heart...

Comment Re:Tea (Score 1) 815

The only problem with that is that he's with the Tea Party, which kind of blows a hole in your argument.

How is that a problem if more engineers join the decision making process after being duly elected? Perhaps you prefer lawyers?

Comment Re:Just another reason... (Score 1) 131

You complained about Fox News campaign coverage by John Prescott Ellis. I cited Kieth Olberman and Chris Matthew's Election coverage. So?

The Corporate media has numerous outlets sympathetic to the left, and really only sympathetic to the right.

Here's the question I keep asking, only to receive down mods and straw men about who is more biased offered in return: Is the country healthier of only one side of the argument is heard in the corporate media?

Comment Re:Just another reason... (Score 1) 131

I'm not sure what Ted Kennedy has to do with the Wall Street Journal being accused of propaganda by the New York Times? (pot>kettle=You're all black)

Many /. mods seem to censor dissenting opinions to the "Fox News is Evil meme", in the name of tolerance and open mindedness I'm sure, so I'm going to stop wasting my time here on this topic.

Don't forget to vote!

Comment Re:Just another reason... (Score 1) 131

That doesn't prove Fox News is MORE biased, only that they are. How do you quantify which is more biased? Obviously your opinion carries more weight for you, and mine for me.

I'll see your John Prescott Ellis, Heidi Noonan, and Tony Snow, with Al Sharpton, and Kieth Olberman and Chris Matthews and raise you Dave Weigel of Journolist fame, Susan Roegen, and George Stephanopoulos.

To me the issue isn't whether bias exists. It does. To me the issue is whether the United States is a better place if both political points of view and parties are held accountable by the corporate media. My answer is yes, it is. But I don't drink any particular Party's cool-aid, YMMV.

Comment Re:Just another reason... (Score 1) 131

Fox is demonstrably more biased than any of those other other stations. Only a liar would say otherwise.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I love the Interwebs! But you said demonstrably more biased, then accused anyone not sharing your opinion of lying. By all means, please demonstrate how Fox is more biased than say, MSNBC. You might even convince me. I would be more receptive to your arguments, however, if you hadn't described voicing an alternate opinion as lying. Opinions can be wrong, but they can't be lies.

Comment Re:Just another reason... (Score 1, Insightful) 131

I suppose Fox News does look pretty right wing when compared to NBC's (and the rest of the press') handling of George Zimmerman. Or the WaPo splashing an unverifiable Mitt Romney high school story on their front page, while refusing to press for President Obama's college records. Or CBS' fake George Bush National Guard memos. And so on and so on.

Would it be better for the Country if only one political point of view was held accountable by the corporate media?

There is a reason Fox News regularly kills the other news networks viewership numbers combined.

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