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Comment Re:We're not there yet... (Score 1) 535

If I say "known" I imply "true".

CO2 = greenhouse gas

ppm(CO2(1880)) < ppm(CO2(2011))

avg(temp(1880)) < avg(temp(2011))

If no wonder happens (which somehow counters the CO2 effect) the above formulas hold ;D

So, if I changed "2011" to "1970", and came to the exact opposite conclusion, then you would agree that I had completely debunked global warming?

I'm hardly a denier, but I hate when random correlations are used to "prove" anything in science, let alone something that requires a massive amount of extrapolation from the data that we have. This is an important topic, and junk science/stats is just handing a tool to the deniers to beat us over the head.

Comment Re:That's not direct democracy (Score 1) 308

Yup, there is also a paper I wrote a while ago on delegated voting. Essentially you form a decision tree. Voters can delegate their vote to other people based on topic, with a "catch all" delegation of their local representative for anything that they don't take themselves or delegate to anyone else. It has the nice property that it can be implemented in a basically backwards compatible way - for people who don't care about politics nothing needs to change, but decisions have far more democratic legitimacy. Nobody can ever say their voice wasn't heard.

One problem is that voters are, by and large, uninformed people who cannot be trusted to make appropriate decisions. See California tax policy for a good study in the disaster that is direct democracy. We need representatives to shield our legislation from the will of the public.

Comment Re:Diff between Greeks & Electronic Direct Dem (Score 1) 308

So now we turn to South Park to justify our views? :P

The motive behind a crime is *THE* number one factor used in judging sentencing. What do you think the difference is between first-degree murder and manslaughter? It's all about motive.

I find the number one factor using in sentence is your level of success.

Failed attempt to kill somebody --> attempted murder

Successful attempt to kill somebody --> first degree murder

Comment Re:I can't figure out Slashdot . . . (Score 5, Insightful) 371

Slashdot is of course on the "pro-nuclear" side

Slashdot has educated people, with backgrounds in science, who understand the issues involved in nuclear processes.

Your implication is that there are two reasonable sides to the argument: pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear. This is akin to saying that there are two sides to the flat earth debate. The only difference is that everyone knows the flat earth people are wrong, but it takes a substantial amount of education to recognize how badly wrong the anti-nuclear crowd generally is.

As for the topic of this thread, the idea of asking for a geiger counter to measure some pool that is probably barely above background (if at all) would be like somebody asking if he needs to buy a set of 11 super-powered turbo fans for his home computer that he uses for email that has been running a little slow lately.. He can buy the fans, and there might be some marginal use to them, but the money would be better spent dealing with real problems.

Yes, I have a background in nuclear physics. No, I don't think it makes me biased, I think it makes me informed.

Comment How archaic (Score 0) 253

Instead of getting rid of the pilot manual, why not just get rid of the pilot?

Computers can now fly better than any human. Yes, the Hudson landing was well done, but that does not mean that a computer would not have been able to pull off the same stunt. If I had a choice, I would definitely take the computer-controlled airplane over the one manned by a pilot who may be tired, drunk, a terrorist, etc.

Comment Re:This is the worst thing ever (Score 1) 90

.rocket fire between Israel and Palestine....

The rocket fire only goes one way. "Between" implies that the Palestinians fire rockets at civilians, and that Israel responds by blindly launching rockets back at the Palestinians.

Anyhow, back on topic. Currently, the rocket fire is inadequate. It is not beyond imagining that google street view could enhance the accuracy and lethality of Palestinian rocket fire, which would make a restriction make perfect sense. I assume that it has been determined by Israel that, despite what I just said in the previous sentence, google streetview will not actually help make the rocket fire more accurate, so they are now allowing it.

Comment Re:They jail for this in Europe now? (Score 1) 321

You cannot shout "Fire" at a theatre because it is dangerous and can cause injury to other people. yelling obscenities at a funeral is not similar in any meaningful way. I would not shed any tears if the entire WBC clan got hit by a wayward airplane, but until then, I support their right to be assholes.

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