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Comment Re:Why would it be radically different? (Score 1) 471

Apple has a big hard on "protecting" its ingenious design of a rounded rectangle with a flat surface and glossy paint, you really think they are going to waste all that time and money keeping the evil of the world from copying their earth-shattering genius just to release v3 in a translucent round case?

What changes would you make to it to make it better? Just curious. Personally, I think they hit the sweet spot with the first design, except for the obvious screen density limitations.

p.s. Does the iPad have glossy paint? I thought it was aluminum??

Comment Re:Because Apple users are high-fashion snots? (Score 4, Informative) 218

Apple users tend to think of themselves as the types who would never wear animal furs. Apple users are ever-so-enlightened, humanitarian, environmentally aware, and ever-so-tasteful.

I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but there's a hell-of-a-lot of people using Apple products nowadays. My hunting, fishing, drinking, non-recycling and high school educated family members may take offense to your statement.

Comment Seriously? (Score 3, Insightful) 525

So, correct me if I'm understanding this correctly, the RIAA and MPAA are upset because they:

  • a) Tried to pay off politicians to pass laws which they knew would be unpopular to the citizens.
  • b) Tried to do it in secret, because they knew it would be unpopular to the citizens.
  • c) Are trying to have the U.S. create, and have other countries sign, treaties that they know will be unpopular to the citizens.

And they're upset because some organizations put a spotlight on their activities and now they are crying because they didn't get their way? I really don't want to live in a world where these guys have their way.

Comment Um... (Score 3, Insightful) 184

Maybe it's shrinking for Google, but maybe because more and more people are using alternatives. Like me.

And I want to go on record saying that the entire "Social Search" model is one of the stupidest ideas google has ever come up with. All of my friends and family have different career backgrounds and their own personal likes, when your using a search engine for reference, like for coding, my friend's FaceBook page is not going to help me out.

Comment Re:NOW they develop this... (Score 5, Insightful) 236

War is not useful. It's good for absolutely nothing.

I don't know, they had some pretty solid hits ("Low Rider", "Spill the Wine", "The Cisco Kid" and "Why Can't We Be Friends?") and seem to have a fairly decent following. Just because you don't like American Funk, doesn't mean someone else doesn't.

Comment Re:the 16 scientists are not climatologists (Score 2) 1367

Think about how much a can of fuel weighs. Think how many of those you put into your car in a year. Think how many cars are out there. How many trucks delivering food. All that weight, all that fuel goes into the air and converts oxygen into CO2 as it goes. That is a lot of mass of CO2 that is being added to the air that was not 100 years.

Now let's think about people walking and riding their bikes instead. These people in theory, are breathing harding, hence making more CO2... only one solution...

Stop breathing. Save the planet.

Comment Hyperbole much... (Score 0) 877

...and to deny it is an exercise in fantasy."

Seriously, what's this supposed to imply? I don't think people are "denying" that the world is getting warmer, I think people are denying that it's man (or woman) thats causing it. There's a bunch of charts and data to indicate that this might be the earth's natural cycling. Personally, I love this graph Global Warming Loons Gone Wild which correlates nicely with your 130 years of warming with the suns natural solar activity. There's a few more out there that show how the various warming periods in history match up exactly with the sun.

So please enlighten me. Who are these people that are supposedly denying that the earth is getting warmer? I personally have never heard or seen people say this. But I've seen a lot of people say that it's not all man's doing.

Comment Help out the little guys... (Score 2) 517

I'm all for anti-piracy measures, but any new law should also have a means for the little guy (or business) to address infringement from a large corporation. Creating something the further empowers the large corporations is not the answer. It seems as of these corporations want to screw everyone in the world when it comes to copyright violations, but they want immunity or just flat out ignore it when they get caught "lifting" someone else's work.

And I've said this before, if these media companies want to use tax dollars to fight "piracy" (or to keep their dying business model alive), then before anything gets passed into law based on their "facts", then someone should do a complete and comprehensive audit of their bookkeeping to ensure that this is the case. Of course, that'll never happen.

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