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Comment Re:I remember (Score 1) 510

This post is interesting in another way: your dad was sent to a horrible prison simply for owning a typewriter, and experienced a true loss of freedom for such a minor offense. RMS is wailing about not being able to copy a book to a different device and talking about it as though his "freedom" was truly being violated in the same way. Talk about first world problems.

Comment God dammit (Score 1) 453

What happened to all the buttons in those shots?

You know: back, forward, stop, refresh, etc. If I have to click twice to use those you're only making it harder for me, and for what? To save 10 or so vertical pixels? I'm already pissed that you idiots removed functionality from the status bar without any good reason. Quit making your browser useless in an effort to save screen space, when resolution sizes are only going up.

Comment Re:Sale? (Score 1) 185

That's kind of strange, the Smith's (local Kroger chain) in my area is always a lot cheaper than everything else. I wonder if they leave the prices up to the individual chains?

Of course, I've always wondered if the non-card prices are inflated and the card prices are what you'd normally pay. Seems like something a large company like that would do, at least.

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