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Comment What? (Score 1) 37

Lets see, I have a few weeks of vacation time, and $5000 burning a hole in my pocket. What to do, what to do. Oh, I know, I'll DONATE IT TO THE RICHEST FUCKING COMPANY ON THE PLANET. What a moron - next time take your time and money to your hometown's food kitchen and spend your time and money where it will actually help, you know, people instead of some greedy ass corporation.

Comment Hello? Remember it's a GLOBAL economy (Score 1) 219

Those parents should be asking where the majority of Fortune 500 companies (and mom and pop outfits too) currently get their coding done, and then consider if they want their precious snowflakes to spend their school years learning a trade that is almost completely outsourced (and certainly will be in the next decade with various countries racing to the bottom bidding for coding and IT jobs). Does little Johnny want to compete with a foreign programmer that is perfectly happy making $50US a day?

Comment Re: Phrasing (Score 3, Insightful) 209

You're absolutely right. When I went from Centos 6x to Centos 7x I had to learn nothing to make the box go from 100% uptime to crashing 2-3 times a week. Systemd is great, for no known reason it took a perfectly working system and turned it into a metal case full of steaming shit. Systemd only helps DIstro builders, it does NOTHING for any System Admin or Server wrangler. I have real work to do on my computers, so fixing a distro's fatal flaw isn't (and never will be) on my todo list.

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