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Comment Re:Am I the only one who cares? (Score 1) 267

Mandrake 9 was the first Linux I actually got to install and run on any of my computers (after several attempts with others). Unfortunately, 10 did not do so well... and Mandriva did make a mess of things for a bit... My next success was Ubuntu 8.04 HH, and I've stuck with that even through some computer glitches and an upgrade glitch with 8.10. 9.10 Karmic Koala looks really great.

My only complaint with Linux is not with Linux, it's with and all the other open document office suites. They all use the same open source conversion program to convert to/from DOC/RTF, and the resulting RTF file is seriously messed up. As I am a professional editor, and some of my documents need to be in RTF format, I'm stuck using Windoze until someone fixes this (I don't have the skills to do so), and OOo has stated repeatedly that they are aware of this bug and intend to do nothing about it.

So now that I am officially off-topic, I will end this post.

Comment Re:eee ssd (Score 1) 467

I bought two Eee PC 701s and later two Eee PC 901s for various homeless people in Asheville. Of the four, two have reported issues, and one has reported issues with the SSD... it's a 901 with the 20 Gb drive, which they partition into a 4 Gb and a 16 Gb drive. The one with issues can't find the 4 Gb (Primary, Boot) partition, but boots fine if you hold F9 down while booting and then reports the other drive is there and working fine. No clue if it's the drive or the OS is messed up, but I've done Restore a couple times so I suspect the drive.

Comment Re:Faster... (Score 1) 377

OOo has always had problems converting from DOC to RTF, creating major formatting issues in the rsultant RTF file. It has been reported, by myself and others, quite often. Usually the response is that they are not interested in working on it. Fixing this one bug alone would allow me to cast aside Windoze and operate fully in Linux... however, as a professional editor who needs to submit several of my documents in RTF, OOo continues to come up short.

I would point out that MailMerge has always been complex and weak at best, but they may yet fix this. I also reported another bug, but it was not important enough to even remember.

Fix one bug. OOo (and Sun) knows what it is, and refuses to do anything about it. That's why OOo will constantly trail MS and other Office packages.

Comment Re:yes, I know that you are joking (Score 2, Interesting) 197

I don't have a problem with an intelligent God, or an intelligent Universe (which to me are the same thing). My problem is teaching as Science a set of (not-that-well translated) metaphors written by a seer thousands of years ago, seen through the lens of many other seers and then taken as religious dogma as "inerrant". I would say the Hindu scriptures are quite a bit more in keeping with "modern science" -- note the discovery of Calculus and most other mathematical theorems far prior to the Greek, and the scientists of the Renaissance being censured, even tortured, by the official Church. I can read Genesis and see that it happens roughly the same as evolution; most who teach "Creation Science" would call me a heretic for even pointing out the similarity. I'm sorry that I am not providing the citation you requested. I'm sure the records are readily available. Nearly all Midwestern states and many others teach Creation Science, as though Gov. Huckabee were the Prophet of God. True spiritual people, in my experience, don't sweat the details.

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