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Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 272

However, "touchscreen not as accurate as iPhone" != "Shitty touchscreen". In a lot of ways I prefer the screens on the current crop of Android phones. Based on limit experience I've not noticed any difference in sensitivity in real world use, but prefer the higher res and image quality on the newest Android phones.

Comment Re:AvP franchise (Score 2, Informative) 71

Bear in mind this is the third PC iteration of Alien Vs Predator. The first was a good few years ago but (despite relatively primitive graphics by the standards of the day) was a superb FPS game. Piss scary and bastard hard in places too.

The sequel was a bit more mainstream, so not as hard but had a few innovations in too, such as the Alien game starting you out as a facehugger looking for an appropriate victim, then giving it the chestburster bit and so on.

Anyway, the first game came from the same dev house as this one, and I for one am really looking forward to it, not matter how fecking awful the movies one (although as somone else mentioned at least the sequel was appropriately violent :)

Comment Re:asdf (Score 1) 1095

From what I recall the legal channels for wireless differ between the US and the UK. In the US (I think) channels 1-13 are legally available, while in the UK it's only 1-11. TBH I wouldn't bother changing anything especially as the routers OP will be connecting to will only be broadcasting in the legal range anyway :)

Comment Re:Marvell Sheevaplug (Score 1) 697

I've just recently bought one of these - I've not done much more than install Debian and a LAMP server on it thus far but have come away thoroughly impressed with the kit. All the magical incantations you need to a) set the device up to boot from SD card and b) install debian to said SD card can be found here. In my case I needed to follow the instructions to update the u-boot system on the plug, but I presume by now they are shipping with the updated ROM in place.

Long term I intend to offload torrenting and streaming duties to the plug, attaching it to a NAS for storage... I have a few other ideas in mind additional to this, which may or may not require additional plugs, but at a cost of around £90 it's no great hardship :)

Comment I can't speak for the US... (Score 1) 745

But here in the UK Android seems to be picking up momentum - theres finally some choice in handsets available (a few from HTC and a few others inbound from the likes of Sony and Samsung). While the initial G1 OS was a bit clunky the cupcake (1.5) update improved things a lot.

Speaking anecdotally, half a dozen of my friends have recently upgraded their phones (as in the past month). Five of them picked Android (3 Magic's and two Hero's) while the other went for a Nokia. Of course I also know more than a few iPhone fans as well.

Speaking personally, this Nokia user will be looking at Android very closely when its time to upgrade at the start of next year.

Comment Re:OR... (Score 1) 443

I'm with you on this - I was pretty much blown away by what I saw - the 3D was extremely well done, and so what if the story is apparantly Dances With Wolves in a SciFi setting? Besides as mentioned more than once above, Cameron and Sci-Fi have a long and successful history together. Personally, I can't wait to see the finished article...

Comment Re:Encryption (Score 2, Interesting) 459

I think he is referring to performance - theres a more than noticable hit on the performance of a netbook utilising full disk encryption (I read a couple of benchmarks suggesting it was in the region of 10-20%). YMMV as to whether its worth the hit for the security of what you want to store on the Eee

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