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Comment Re:Horsemeat, cow, dog.. what does it matter (Score 1) 709

How is this any different than getting anthrax poisoning from cows that fed from overgrazed fields? (anthrax bacteria naturally grows in soil and one of the causes of natural anthrax poisoning in humans is through cows that have ingested this soil)

Anthrax is nasty, but treatable. Mad cows disease is nastier and untreatable (they can prolong the time until death a bit, i think, but that doesn't count).

Comment Re:Horsemeat, cow, dog.. what does it matter (Score 2, Insightful) 709

Dont't get it, meat is meat, and with spices on it'll taste the same. If people get upset by horsemeat, cowmeat , dogmeat or whatever, maybe they shoudln't eat meat at all.

Wrong. You don't want to eat the meat from an animal that also eats meat. Remember what happened when they fed ground up cows to cows? It doesn't end well.

Comment Re:Go Vegan (Score 2) 709

And you don't have to worry about any of this BS.

What if they put HS in your burgers instead of BS?

And if you are vegan yourself and not simply offering it up as a suggestion, have you seriously _never_ been served a dish containing meat when you ordering a vegan dish? It's happened to a few vegetarian friends on numerous occasions... I never really saw what the fuss was though... i mean it's got vegetables in it right? ;)

Comment Re:Unethical (Score 1) 697

I consider myself very scientific, fairly worldly, and pretty open minded.

But to me this is unethical.

Ask yourself just some simple preliminary questions such as: If the resulting semi-human is self aware, what rights will it/he/she have? Will it/he/she be a cage animal? Will it be sterilized or allowed to reproduce? And if so, with which other species or semi-species? Is this fair to it/he/she? Will it/he/she be allowed to vote? To own property? Be allowed or required to work? To choose a field of education? To be free of staring, poking prodding?

I'm guessing a lawyer will find them and start a class action on their behalf. The evidence we have tends to suggest that we wiped them out - that's gotta be worth something. We also displaced them from their ancestral land, so they'll want that back too.

Comment Re:Black Mamba (Score 1) 293

Fascinating creature, the black mamba. In Africa, the saying goes 'in the bush, an elephant can kill you, a leopard can kill you, and a black mamba can kill you. But only with the black mamba--and this has been true in africa since the dawn of time--is death sure.' Hence its handle--'death incarnate. Its neurotoxic venom is one of nature's most effective poisons, acting on the nervous system causing paralysis. The venom of a black mamba can kill a human being in four hours if, say, bitten on the ankle or the thumb. However, a bite to the face or torso can bring death from paralysis within 20 minutes. The amount of venom that can be delivered from a single bite can be gargantuan. If not treated quickly with anti-venom, ten to fifteen milligrams can be fatal to human beings. However, the black mamba can deliver as much as 100 to 400 milligrams of venom from a single bite.

Just be sure to include a return address.

I don't think the he wants them to die, just to hurt a lot. One of these should do the trick. They can kill in some cases, but at least it will hurt the whole time they are dying.

Comment Re:Same in Australia (Score 1) 168

Apple still tries these tactics in Australia, even two years after being brought to public attention. In Australia, if a product isn't fit for purpose, you can return it to the store it was bought from, regardless of what Apple try to tell you. This is one small part of the reason for the 'Australia Tax', the other parts being inexplicable.

for more detail.

Phones are even more of a special case in Australia. For other products the wording of the law is that if you paid a substantial amount of money for something and it breaks before the expected lifespan you can expect replacement from the supplier or manufacturer (can't remember which, the supplier I think). For phones, if you are under contract then the phone is considered under warranty and the phone company is responsible for it.

I'd hoped this would reduce the amount of crap on the market - a store might not stock a crappy brand of TV if they knew they would be stuck with the warranty. It doesn't seem to have turned out that way though.

Comment Re:Isn't this just bulimia? (Score 4, Informative) 483

This is limited intake alone.

The research i've read says that you grow additional fat cells when your intake exceeds your expenditure, and your fat cells empty when your expenditure exceeds your intake. Empty fat cells scream at your brain to eat to fill them up again, making it easy to lose a bit of weight but difficult to keep it off. The article I read wasn't clear on how long empty fat cells stay empty before they are eliminated, but i don't think it was particularly fast.

I'm not sure if the article (can't find it anymore) was quackery or actually backed by proper research but it seemed a reasonable explanation for why surgery (cutting out fat from the body) becomes the only option for really obese people. Obviously if they had the self control to lose weight they probably wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

Stomach stapling would reduce the ability to eat but leave the person in the hell of wanting to eat without being able to. This new invention might be a better solution, although I think that the act of eating primes the body for the nutrients about to be delivered, and messing with that (eg removing the foot before it hits the intestines) might not be a particularly good long term solution...

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