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Comment Re:James Cameron (Score 5, Interesting) 226

At this point I'm so sick of the time-travel shtick that I don't even care about the franchise anymore. The whole point of the franchise was to get to the REAL important part--the future war where humans finally defeat Skynet. Well, they finally got to that part in Terminator Salvation, with a great performance from Christian Bale to boot. And that was supposed to be the setup for a sequel that would see humanity finally beat Skynet for good. Only the studio didn't like the way that movie performed, so they rebooted the whole thing, and took us right back to the same old tired time-travel shtick. Now they're rebooting AGAIN, with even more time-travel confusion.

So how is it even possible now to give a fuck? They've created a franchise where it's pretty much impossible to beat Skynet. So what is even the point anymore? What's the point of protecting John Connor if he's never even going to get a chance to win? What's the point of sending back Terminators if Skynet can just keep sending scores more of them back until it (inevitably) wins?

The whole franchise went from hopeful, to fatalistic but still hopeful, to absolutely hopeless. At this point, we had may as well root for Skynet to win and finally put the audience out of its misery.

Bringing the time-travel gimmick into a scifi franchise today is basically the death-knell of the franchise. It's basically the studio saying "Nothing that happens in this franchise matters anymore, because we'll just undo it or reboot it whenever we feel like it."

Comment Re:So being proud of working hard is toxic now? (Score 0) 127

I might see your point if he were just talking about older workers neglecting their families to slave away in thankless corporate jobs and not getting any real benefit for their hard work. But he specifically references young people at start-ups as well. Yeah, when you're starting a new company and trying to achieve something, you're SUPPOSED to work hard. That is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.

Should Olympians be ashamed of working hard to get to the Olympics too? Should they not be proud of their hard work and what they accomplished by it?

Comment Re:So being proud of working hard is toxic now? (Score 0) 127

Shit, maybe. I can't even tell the parody stories from the real ones anymore. Sometimes I wonder if most SJW's aren't just trolling us, as if a significant proportion of the SJW movement were made up of deep-cover 4-Channers just seeing how far they can push the silliness without being found out, for the lolz.

Comment Re:Oh no the “Nazis” have won! (Score 1, Insightful) 183

You’re there to play games, not insult people.

That might be a valid point if someone could at least define in concrete terms what an "insult" even is anymore. Even MS themselves can't do it. The closest thing they can produce is a vague list of "Acceptable Trash-Talk." I wish that were a joke. But, no, that's really something they did. Self-parody isn't even possible anymore.

And even that won't help you anyway, because who knows how many of those suggestions will be re-branded as offensive tomorrow. Someone could decide tomorrow that "Potato" is an offensive term and retroactively ban you for having once said that someone has "Potato aim." In a world where something as innocuous as an okay sign can be reinterpreted as a white supremacist symbol at the drop of a hat, who can even keep up with all the words or gestures that might offend someone at any given moment? It's so bad that publishers now are actually having to hire "Sensitivity Readers" just to keep up. And yes, that's a real actual thing. It's not a joke.

Comment Re:Welcome to walking on eggshells, kids (Score 2, Interesting) 183

At some point we can only hope that Common F. Sense is going to bitch-slap the shit out of these SJWs and tell them to grow the fuck up.

Yeah, I keep waiting for the intellectual Thermidorian Reaction to this increasing insanity from the Left. But it hasn't shown up yet. I keep telling myself that, surely, sanity will prevail. But the insane voices seem to gain more ground every day. It's almost to the point where literally nothing surprises me anymore. If it was announced tomorrow that a mainstream Democratic presidential candidate was calling for stripping all white men of their voting rights and requiring all internet users to get a License to Post Content from a federal speech commission, I wouldn't even bother double-checking to make sure I wasn't reading a parody article. In today's world, The Onion could never hope to top what might be on CNN at any moment.

Comment Re:A Mistake (Score 3, Insightful) 183

Why should I risk my account if I said "fuck" when someone kills me in-game?

Shit, it would be nice if it were even that concrete. I could at least make sense of a list of "words you can't say" (a la George Carlin). But in today's SJW outrage culture, it's not even possible to define what "offensive" even is anymore. Basically "offensive" is entirely subjective to the person hearing it. And since even that ridiculously vague and broad definition changes on an almost daily basis now, it's almost impossible to know what someone might possibly be offended by at any given time. Something that today is considered completely innocuous is just one 4-chan troll campaign away from branding you as a hateful Nazi tomorrow.

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