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Comment Botnet is a botnet (Score 4, Insightful) 757

Guys guys guys... you're missing the point. It doesn't matter if the attack was social or security based. The fact is it is a Mac based botnet. That's it. No double standard here, just reporting that a Macintosh based botnet is up to no good. The bottom line is that security is up to the user. I could go %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL in my /etc/sudoers and security goes right out the window. It's all in control of the user. People are (as a collective) just not that smart. There can never be a secure system as long as there are users of the system.

Comment Re:What a waste (Score 1) 98

In all seriousness... how do they expect to generate energy with this? I mean 99% of a subway ride is either you sitting there, or standing room only. Either way, you're not walking around and thus not generating any power unless you are boarding or exiting. I didn't RTFA, are they talking about putting these peizoelectric generators on the floor of the station or the subway car itself? It would probably make more sense to line the damn subway tracks with something like this so that they can "recycle" some of the energy used to power the cars.

Comment Re:No, it is not propaganda. (Score 1) 205

This makes perfect sense to me. Probably neither one of them were "spies" per se, but I'm sure they were out to make a quick buck (selling your hardware to the highest bidder) and of course the highest bidder is the one looking for adversary technology. I bet the guy looking to make a quick buck by selling sensitive information doesn't feel any particular duty to his homeland at all. Rather it's all about greed.

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