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Comment Re:Oy Vey (Score 1) 272

That's still completely irrelevant. GP (GGP now) was making a baseless claim that licensing revenue is the only thing propping up Windows Phone (which for what it's worth probably isn't even in EDD any more, since Windows Phone is actually literally Windows 8 and probably accounted for in WD now) - when the annual (quarterly?) reports quite clearly show where all the money actually comes from (deferred/manipulated or not).

Especially since I'm pretty sure they deliberately defer the shit out of every number to make as much of an on-paper loss as possible (it may be called Hollywood accounting, but it's not specific to LA).

Comment Re:Microsoft has it's own internal CA (Score 1) 176

Because they are forbidden to issue a certificate with a greater validity than 39 months in accordance with the CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements for Publicly Trusted Certificates (warning: PDF). If they were to violate this, they'd have GTE's root certificate de-listed by Apple, Google, Mozilla, KDE, Opera, Blackberry and ... um ... Microsoft. Which would invalidate their subordinate certificate.

Comment Re:Typical. (Score 1) 176

Except that companies like Microsoft and Google register domains through "Enterprise" registrars like MarkMonitor, who charge upwards of a few hundred (possibly even thousand) dollars per year for their service - which supposedly includes "not letting the fucking things expire" and "making sure other people don't register our damn marks".

Microsoft actually has even less excuse in this instance, believe it or not - Microsoft's certificate vendor is itself. All MS certificates are chained up to a Microsoft subordinate CA (with a GTE root). So it wasn't a failure to pay for a certificate since they don't actually pay for them - it was just someone not bothering to open the certificates MMC and click "Renew Certificate". Hell, it's probably even AD integrated so there's no need to fill in any fields.

Comment Re:Oy Vey (Score 1) 272

You do realise their annual reports are broken down into a little more detail than that right? You can see plain as day exactly how much Xbox brings in compared to Windows Phone (which since it's just Windows 8 is probably attributed to the Windows Division now) and how much licensing brings in. Your reminder falls flat on it's face upon reflection of that point.

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