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Comment Re:Mugabe (Score 1) 669

Yes, we caught hell for it, and rightfully so, because removing a violent dictator is not a legitimate reason for going to war. Mugabe is doing terrible things to Zimbabwe, and that sucks, but that doesn't mean it's OK for foreign countries to go in and kill a bunch of Zimbabwe's citizens and try to impose some other kind of government.

Comment at first glance... (Score 1) 306

At first glance, you'd think it clearly backs the idea that a distant dark object orbits the Sun every 27 million years.

No, I wouldn't think that at all. All it backs (or would back if the data were any good) is the idea that something is happening roughly every 27 million years. A dark companion star is just one of many possible explanations of what.

Comment Home Theater PC, wireless keyboard, remote control (Score 1) 304

I built a Home Theater PC out of a Dell Optiplex (it was free from work) running Windows XP Media Center Edition, with a wireless keyboard and a Monster remote control. I can control the cursor with the remote and I could probably enter alphanumerics with it too if I bothered to set it up like that.
I use it for Netflix "watch instantly" movies and Youtube. I don't do much web reading because it's just hard to read text from my couch.
Your HTPC would need a video card with an HDMI out port. You'd want digital sound out too if you are serious about watching vidoes on it.

Comment Re:Just like porn "conclusively" creates rapists (Score 1) 587

We already provide those tools. Games have rating labels on them for years. What the government can't do is make parents do their damn job. Don't want your kid playing violent video games? Then take the time to read the label right on the front of the box and decide whether you're going to allow your child to play that game. It really is that simple. If you've mastered that and are ready to go on to advanced parenting, you could even spend some time with your child while he or she plays games just to see what they're like.

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