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Comment Re:Why is Verbosity Bad? (Score 1) 491

Javac does essentially no optimization, while the dynamic compiler in the VM does a hell of a lot. Besides, the overhead of a method call is almost nothing compared to the overhead of constructing the StringBuffer, appending contents, building a String, and actually doing the IO. Why would you waste your time with a pre-processor?

Comment Re:DRM when your life is at stake? (Score 5, Insightful) 403

Why then would you want to risk $800M in the first place when you can let your competitor spend the $800M, pay them a paltry $400M for the one thing that succeeded and then split the much larger profit to be made? Extra points if your marketing department is much better and you take a much larger fraction of the resulting market.

Comment Re:How to get out of a recession in 2 easy steps.. (Score 3, Funny) 469

They had evidence from emails that these secret deals were occurring...

Oh noes! Not secret deals! I have news for you, most deals between businesses are "secret" by this standard.

As to illegality, It was clear to me at least that the GP was clearly questioning the validity of the anti-trust laws. One way to challenge a law is by deliberately breaking it. I am not claiming that Intel was making a political statement, but what if they were?

Comment Re:Not a tax scam (Score 1) 1505

Why do I get that impression?

Because "take over" typically doesn't mean "compete with", "build a more efficient replacement", or "drive out of business", or a host of other alternate meanings. Further you refer to the "means of production" as if it were some large singular entity (presumably with the magical ability of producing), when using this phrase. And suppose these mythical controllers of this mythical entity don't give their consent to your plan--do you intend to use force, or the government (but that's redundant isn't it)?

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