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Comment Re:Blame the victim much (Score 0) 848

Yes, it's perfectly normal for people to walk around like a thug in a gated community (especially one he didn't live in).

You've never been to Sanford. It's a town you don't normally just walk around in. If you can't understand that, you're too stupid to talk to.

>Essentially cornered him but lost sight


Yes, yes, the liberal white guilt is strong with you. Let it guide everything for you. You can't see beyond it.

I know you're trolling because there's no way you could possibly be this fucking stupid.

Comment Re:Blame the victim much (Score 1) 848

This isn't a stand your ground issue ffs. Good thing you haven't been following the case at all. You clearly don't understand stand your ground either. It's not applicable to this case. .

I guarantee you all the robbers weren't wearing outfits from Banana Republic, they were dressed more like trayvon. And yes, you can claim self-defense if the person has escalated the use of force continuum. Do you have any background in security? Obviously not -- just another liberal westerner with white guilt.

Sanford is an old Florida town undergoing rebirth. If you've ever been there, you'll see tracts of trailer parks, ghetto housing while the new housing complexes are all gated communities (for good reason). Wearing a hoodie at midnight, on a school night, in a neighborhood with a higher than normal crime right is suspicious. You must be retarded if you don't understand that. Zimmerman confronted the him, Martin decided he was gonna "keep it real" and this was a case where keeping it real goes wrong.

Zimmerman didn't go out of his house that night with the expectation of killing someone in self defense and Martin didn't go out expecting to start shit. But he responded poorly and behaved like the underaged, tattoo'd delinquent that he was. Nice to see you failed to include the wounds on the back of Zimmerman's head.

Comment Re:Blame the victim much (Score 0) 848

A "teenage boy" at 17 who is taller than Zimmerman. A 6' tall, 17 year old wearing a hoodie walking around a gated neighborhood in the middle of the night, in sweltering Florida, in a high crime area = totally normal.

Lol @ cornering him.

Zimmerman confronted him, Trayvon tried to keep it real and got blown away.

Comment Who cares? (Score 4, Insightful) 456

Who cares? I'm sitting in a coffee shop sipping on fairtrade coffee on blogging on my retina macbook pro about Obama and talking on my new iphone 5.

Scumbag western liberals: claims to support the working class, gladly buys products from a communist dictatorship with an abysmal human rights record

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
