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Comment Re:What and what? (Score 3, Interesting) 140

Just like you can't stop someone from secretly recording a face-to-face conversation, Snapchat tries to enforce as much as possible the demands for privacy: if the recipient stores the message (through a camera screen capture for example), then it is clear s/he is going against the wishes of the sender, and that ultimately could have legal ramifications.
Technically the data isn't transmitted in the clear. You have to do some work to crack its encryption.

Comment I know of one thing at least (Score 1) 496

For the generation that grew up on video games such as Rock Band, it can be of huge help.
Imagine you're going to play a gig, put on the Glasses and sit behind your drums. Now you don't need to perfectly remember all those bits and pieces of the song, just play along.
Of course the software should have some feedback mechanism that listens to the actual beat and song that the band is playing, to accelerate or slow the tab down. But I can see it helping there.

Comment Re:Wrong (Score 1) 347

I agree that "technologies and tools are easy to pick up". With one caveat: the lack of classes on system architecture (not just CPU architecture) but complete system architecture and design is unacceptable in today's age.
Yes it's good to learn about CPU pipelining (if taught), but then one also needs to learn about macro stuff such as interactions between system components (DBs, servers, memory stacks, NAS, etc...).
After all, even ridiculous economics is taught at micro and macro level (I did major in econ and math)

Comment Free time (Score 1) 347

You have lots of free time in uni. Make use of it. Build your website. Contribute to dozens of open source projects. Learn about them, install them, use them, provide patches and improvements. Go through the whole stack:
- learn to install and manage an OS (say Debian Linux)
- learn to install and manage the web server (e.g. Apache)
- learn to install and manage the DB server (e.g. MySQL)
- learn to install and program the scripting language of your choice (perl, python, php, ruby...)
- learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- learn SQL
- learn the concepts behind NoSQL
- learn server-side MVC frameworks
- learn client-side MVC frameworks

That's for year 1. :)

Comment Already happened (Score 5, Informative) 165

CGN has already happened in countries that were late on the Internet bandwagon and got too few IPs.
I am currently an unfortunate subscriber going through CGN, and let me tell you, the time I spent debugging connectivity issues is mindblowing.
For those who don't understand the extent of the problem, CGN is also called NAT444:
Your internal network has an IPv4 subnet, say 10.17.0.x. Then your router is allocated an IPv4 from your ISP. You think that's your IP, but it isn't. Your ISP itself is running NAT internally, and ultimately your data is being sent through the wire to the wider Internet with yet another IP.
So you have 3 networks: IPv4 IPv4 IPv4
Practically speaking, nothing that acts as a server will work. i.e. none of the modern multiplayer networking stacks work reliably, for example. When testing your PS3 networking, it will say (correctly) that you are screwed because you have a "Type 3 NAT", which is Sony speak for NAT444.

Comment Re:same here. (Score 2) 169

I also systematically refuse the microwave scanners.
I was on my way out of Chicago last week, and was instructed to go through it. I simply told the TSA guy "no". There was a regular metal detector next to it, but he told me I'd get a patdown. No problem I said, but had to wait a couple of minutes for the patdown guy ahead to finish. Then I had a pretty light gloved patdown (nothing to write home about, not even as effective as the one you get in any Arab country airport by default) and then he rubbed a cotton swap on his gloves and sent it through the explosives detector machine. Anyway, it all went without a hitch but the operation itself takes 3-5 minutes.
As I was getting my stuff, I saw another person do the same thing. All we need is for a few more % of people to request the patdown and it'll be utterly impossible for the TSA to handle the demand, thus reducing it to getting rid of the microwave scanners.
Those things need to go.

Comment Re:The average is never to be taken at face value (Score 1) 131

User scores are not reviewer reviews.
Reviewers have experience and thoughtful analyses but suffer from small sample size and conflicts of interest.
Users have the strength of numbers but suffer from groupthink and emotional coloring.

The way I use MC is that I get a good feel for the game based on user score averages, then look at the reviewers that I like and analyze their pros and cons. Then I make a decision, based on whether the cons are bad enough for me or not.

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