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Comment Re:Information théory (Score 1) 204

But without the camera orientation and motion information, how could we know if it's camera shake blur or subject motion blur?

Imagine, for instance, a large delivery van blurred across the frame from left to right while the image is blurred due to camera motion from right to left. What should be the correction to remove camera shake blur? And how would that be determined merely from the data in the photo?

I don't doubt that merely processing the photo could make it "better"... but I do doubt it would do as good a job of removing camera shake in the general case as the external rig does.

Comment Re:That's what they think. (Score 1) 133

I bet the Android rootkit isn't the only rootkit on that CD... I for one wouldn't put anything I obtained at DefCon into any equipment I owned. Maybe not even into my shredder.

I use my Blendtec. Seriously. It blends everything, and I have never once had a problem with it being hacked. Just blended some DefCon stuff earlier tonight, too. I keep the blender right here next to my... --Huh. That's weird. It was here just a few minutes ago. What is that strange electrical sound coming from my closet? Probably just, uh, rats... I'll just check it out... WHAT the! Blendtec! Noo! That won't blend! Aaaaauuuugghhh!

Comment Re:Information théory (Score 4, Insightful) 204

But they are adding information to the system with the additional hardware attachment with all the gyroscopes and so-on. This information can be used to improve the photo, correcting some of the damage. So information wasn't "lost"'; it was just reacquired from a different source, as it were.

It looks like camera shake blur would be reduced, but target motion blur would remain intact.

Of course, if you do a 90-second exposure of the sun, it's likely going to be all-white no matter how much shake-correction occurs. But this solution wasn't meant to fix that problem.

Comment Re:Why is this alarming? (Score 1) 490

It actually said that 20% would buy Android again. It didn't say anything about "would not buy".

You could be right that 80% would not buy Android again, but 80% sounds really high to me, so I'm going to guess you're wrong. I'm also guessing that Android buyers tend to be more "mercenary" buyers (compared to Apple enthusiasts), which would cause them to answer "not sure".

But we really need to know the survey question, and I wasn't finding it online.

Comment Re:The answer is... Steve Jobs (Score 1) 371

"Their ships use some CRAP operating system that doesn't support HTML5 and doesn't even take advantage of Apple's advanced technologies like Cocoa! And you know what we found when we were invited on board? A GOOGLE LOGO--that's right. All their droids--their actual droids--are running Android! Make no mistake: I am certain this alien race is here to kill the iPhone! This 'we come in peace' mantra is BULLSHIT!"

Comment Re:True, but I still oppose the bill (Score 1) 2044

Right now, when insurance companies raise their rates, I can drop off until they lower them again. This bill makes me part of a captive market.

They're not under any obligation to take you back. I know several people whom the insurance companies do not want back.

Comment Re:Just forget paying (Score 1) 1197

If you're willing to go on the record and say that you will refuse any medical treatment you can't pay for up front, then I'll support you. I'll think you're crazy, but I'll support you.

So, will you say that right now?

Hit and run driver hits you and you don't have $120,000 to pay for intensive care? You just stay at home with the Advil.


I pay for stuff out of pocket because I'm young and healthy and self-employed. Tetanus booster? Just went and bought it, no biggie.

But I also have medical insurance for any time I have to pay more than $4000 in medical bills. For when I get hit by a car or crash my bicycle or have a hiking fall or any one of a multitude of other things you might consider to be in the "unhealthy lifestyle" category.

People without insurance end up in the hospital bankrupt, and those costs get spread around to those of us who carry insurance! Ironic, no?

Comment Re:Too much? (Score 1) 334

Wow, this article has bought out all kinds of stupid.

People don't want it to use all of their ram, when they have no apps open, do they??

Well, it boils down to a simple question: do you want this app to launch now, or do you want to wait for it to load off disk? That's really the crux of it.

But when they haven't started anything yet, it can be a little confusing.

We're lucky there's not a meter telling them that their CPU cache is full all the time, too, I suppose.

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