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Comment Re:Cures can be harmful to your health. (Score 2) 51

Those bass turds! That's how they get you. Heaping praise, recognition and rewards for your life long efforts. Then BOOM! You are famous and no longer have time to save humanity from itself.

Just watch, next they'll want him to waste time by passing on what he learned; further diluting the time remaining in his elder years. Those bass turds!

Comment Re:tough one (Score 1) 65

You missed the very important conclusion to the first paragraph you quoted: Were I king, I would ban non-anonymous gifts of type 3 or type 4.

Where you see weird wording, I see a dearth of reading comprehension.

I don't have a stake in this argument at all, nor am I trying to pillory you personally. It just seems clear to me that taken as a whole Mr. Lessig firmly sits on the side of 'against'.

Comment Re:tough one (Score 1) 65

And you seem to miss the very salient conclusion to the paragraph you quoted: Were I king, I would ban non-anonymous gifts of type 3 or type 4.

I don't have a dog in this race either, but one thing is quite clear, Mssr. Lessig does not write in the simplistic manner to which the internet age has become accustomed. Taken as a whole, it is clear to me that he comes down on the side of 'against'.

squiggleslash above makes the same mistake.

Comment Re:Slashdot used to be the place. (Score 1) 69

I wonder if that is patented :-)

Yes, by Og the caveman who first made fun of Ug in cave drawings for not being able to catch a sickly antelope.

But the patent only recently ran out, so you are good to go on a non-obvious variation. However, the copyright has a lot of time remaining.

Comment Re: Teachers salaries and out of pocket expenses (Score 2) 220

A wake up call from a parent. School 'supply' lists have risen to obscene levels over the past 20 years. You can't pass little Suzy's calculator to little Johnny if they both still need it by decree. Somehow multiple millennia of people have learned math and graphing without a TI calculator, or: two double rolls of paper towels, three packages of Clorox wipes, three boxes of baby wipes, two boxes of garbage bags, liquid soap, Kleenex and Ziplocs (from a first hit on Google actual list).

At one point I had 3 kids in 3 different schools. The combined lists for that year cost a tad under $700.00. And it didn't include band, sports and drivers ed. fees, which can reasonably be asked for as part of voluntary activities. I'd guess about $35 of that total was for actual pens, pencils, and paper.

Comment Re:How this will work (Score 2) 73

IIUC any evidence that you share with the police that may have been used for you, in your defense, becomes inadmissible and then your defense cannot use it to defend you.

Not at all the case (in the USA). If you told a cop you were at XYZ the whole time a thing happened at JKL, that doesn't suddenly become unknowable. What it does mean is that the cop will not testify to anything exculpatory you said/did. The cop is the prosecution's witness, not yours. Slight misunderstandings like this only underscore your point to STHU and wait for an attorney. :)

Comment Look at Both Sides (Score 4, Interesting) 226

As a 6' 3" former Marine, what is this bully thing of which you speak?

Backstabbing, conniving, two-faced and several other PHB archetypes I've met in various combinations. But so far, nobody has tried to bully me. Though, about 19 years ago a manager from another line burst into our office and actually started yelling "who's desk do I have to jump on to get some..." I just started laughing at him--a sincere WTH laugh, which worked wonders.

On the other hand, I've also had folks under me with varying degrees of snowflake complex. IT usually meets their fellow line employees at the high stress problem stage. Anyone with a thin skin and low threshold for pressure should probably seek another career path.

Professional tip: the proper response never includes the phrase "...record all future meetings...". A more diplomatic approach (if any) is to apologize for your conduct and ask the individual to make what was just told you clear in an email to ensure you do not deviate from the desired path. Then begin the job search.

To address your original question, ask the folks interviewing you some of exact questions they have asked you, but in the context of the current team. The egomaniacs will fill the interview time responding to your question(s), which is an indicator, but not proof of any bullying propensity.

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