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Comment Re:Conflict of interest (Score 1) 82


"A patent (pronounced /pætnt/ or /petnt/) is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state (national government) to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for a public disclosure of an invention."

How is access to already public information invaluable?
I can see a small advantage in being able to search it with better algoritms though.

Comment Cameras... (Score 1) 1123

Shouldn't storage, cameras and batteries be getting good enough to record a whole day?

I say fit all the police officers with cameras and have the case relevant information stored. Selecting which parts of the days video to use is done by a supervised independent party.

Leaving no room for word against word. Just check the videos, cops seldom work alone.
Should also make for higher court throughput and less people getting harassed because the cop can get away with it when he is cranky.

Cameras in general should also be welcomed because it cuts through the bs.

Comment Re:Not Just The iPad/iPhone - It's All Smartphones (Score 1) 670

AT&T is doing what they can to limit data traffic until they have a chance to increase their core network bandwidth. It's either this or collapse.

The blame probably doesn't lie with AT&T though, the telecom manufacturers can't deliver at full capacity because there is a shortage of components for the whole business. Noone can deliver. Due to the credit crisis when the component manufacturers stood with empty order books and all but shut down. Now they (component manufacturers) are having trouble / are unwilling or are unable to increase their manufacturing volumes.
My guess is that whoever gave the manufacturers loans to survive at all takes most of the profits they make now and they are unable to invest in extra production capacity.

I know we all want to use our new toys, but there is a big shift in data traffic through the networks now and it'll take a while for the telecom operators to be able to catch up.

Comment Re:Partially oxidizing? (Score 1) 379

I believe what they mean is that they create the proper mixture of gasoline and oxygen before it's injected into the chamber instead of letting it mix in there.
If they also have some system that makes the oxygen level of a higher purity than air they create a mixture with even higher energy output potential.

But I'm sure they thought of that.

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