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Comment Re:Who cares about action games? (Score 1) 79

My favorite thing about Angband is ironman mode. No town, no going back up stairs. Just you and 100 level dungeon. It took me hundreds of tries, but I did beat it once with a Troll Warrior. Its soooo fun. You need to first manage your food and light. If you lose your food or light, you die. But if you dive too fast you die. So you need to dive at just the right rate to get food and light. If you get excess food or light, you can stay on a dungeon level longer for monsters to spawn and get you more exp+equipment. But if you linger on a level too long, your food or light might dwindle. On the other hand comes in the doom dive. This is when you have enough food and light, but bosses or troublesome zones force you to take down stairs as an "escape". But since you were having troubles on the last level, getting to a harder level means its more likely you'll run into that situation again! Which means you dive faster! Which means stuff gets tougher! Oh I love me some Angband. I have a rare build with an autosquelcher if anyone wants to try it without having to fight with the interface looking at drops at higher levels. Just let me know in a reply, and I'll upload to a server.

Comment Re:More useful... (Score 3, Funny) 151

Yeah, but if you want to mount a machine gun to all your cameras, you'll have to buy multiple guns. With just one robot that patrols, you save a load on weaponry. Oh... who am I kidding. Once you get one robot with weaponry, it just becomes an addiction to buy more.

Comment Re:Stuck in the past for ten years! (Score 1) 53

Yeah calling ASIMO "the most advanced robot" is going to get a lot of laughs 50 years from now. Maybe some people played Atari 2600 and thought,"This is the most advanced video game console". They may have been technically right at the time, but don't act like it is not going to get much better.

Comment This is cheesy to put ads in what you read. (Score 1) 194

Books should be free if they're in e-format. Trying to charge for them when they can be distributed for free is cheesy. This is Cheetos cheesy, with one crunch you can't get enough, so stick a cheetah in your mouth. If books were free, education would be cheaper. I'm talking as cheap as Natural Light Beer. A cheaper education would mean more people would be educated. They'd be educated more than Leap Frog ever did with all their proprietary hardware. Look we got the hardware, because Intel, AMD and Apple are awesome inside. So the software should be free. People think things wouldn't be created anymore, and we fret that that another great song from Justin Bieber wouldn't be released. Yet if someone discovers something new like Newton, of Fig Newton fame.*end cheesiness* Who are going to keep the information to themselves? People are going to share new knowledge and become famous. And if they want to be as much of the corporate shill as the people trying to make the laws today, they can use their fame to make money. But I think the future is bright for people who share information and make it free. If education was free, the world would be vastly smarter. A smarter world researches diseases better. The downside to a smarter populace is they don't buy into corporate BS. There are people with a large amount of wealth to be lost if books were all free. This is the only reason it doesn't happen. Because some people are greedy. People don't say all books are free because there is a minority who wants to oppress the majority. Sure free books and free software would let 3rd world countries have education on par with universities, but greedy people would rather make money on their books. And a lot of the money isn't on innovations. This isn't really a rant as much as this is reality. We can change the future by donating time and money to free software. We can change the future by writing our own books and giving them out for free. This is my plan. I plan on making a couple bucks on Flash games, then I'll move on to re-writing books (similar books, just not plagiarized completely) for education. Finally I'll write custom software to help people learn.

Comment Yes, the future of education can start now (Score 1) 380

If I had funding, I'd be changing education now. First step is getting the Intellectual Property to create your own books(they say the same as other books, but not exactly the same to avoid plagurism). Once you have your own books, you do cyber courses. These are video lectures. You have many and redundant videos in case someone learns from different angles. Then people wanting to learn can just read your books and watch lectures. Throw in some people to field live questions if people have them, and you have courses. If you want to get really high-tech, add in software that teaches you too.

Right now the way things stands, education is expensive. If you can lower the barriers to entry to getting an education, you'll have a smarter world.

Comment Anyone ever use LULU.com? (Score 4, Interesting) 184

I just wrote a book which is compilation of the blog/articles on my website over the past years. By going through LULU.com, we were able to publish the book for free when no other people wanted to publish our book. My family members who don't use computers got to read what I wrote and they enjoyed it. If you ever have some information available to you, put it in book form, maybe someone will want to buy it. Like I said,"You can do something as simple as compile all your blogs/articles over the past few years, and turn it into a book!"

Comment Yep (Score 1) 255

I've had lots of ideas I couldn't implement become multimillion or multibillion dollar companies under someone else's hand. And for Facebook, wasn't Classmates.com trying to do the same thing before them, only Classmates.com was trying to charge a subscription fee right?

Comment Re:Appropriate for that evening, 20 years in advan (Score 1) 133

Sorry no mod points future Mr. +5 funny. They referenced it as a moon 3 times. And appropriately enough, it is no moon. Lucky for us, it is also not a Death Star. The Soviets were pretty cool on not ending all life on Earth though so I doubt they'd have fired the Death Star at us either. If it wasn't for terrorists threatening to blow civilization apart, we could live happily right now. I guess world hunger, disease and lack of quality education kinda would hold the world back from a full scale peace party, but getting out of the cold war is still a plus.

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