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Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 1) 283

And why can't I cite the American Chamber of Commerce exactly? You obviously are aware of what they have to say about this matter, so it is completely biased of you to disregard an organization actually dedicated to promoting American business don't you think? Certainly it is disingenous to demand a citation and then state known citations that strongly disagree with your position as being off limits.

Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 2) 283

Again, if China would change its policies and let foreign companies operate freely in China, there wouldn't be the need for these restrictions (imposed by the companies themselves). The restrictions mostly have to do with China since your company undoubtedly has a Chinese partner and there is a concern they will simply take the technology (a very legitimate concern). Obviously since your company operates outside of the US and you can easily get the technology in other countries this is the case. It is disingenous to blame the US (or any other country) when this is the real reason that companies are doing this. My own company has a sales office in China and I regularly go there, but no one in our company would ever consider opening plants or facilities in China because of their partnership requirement. It is simply a license to steal technology and in today's world, that is a sure way to end up out of business in a few years.

Comment Re:Mars500 'nauts didn't starve (Score 1) 283

A few problems with your little theory. It was a simulation. I think you missed that point. It was in full Earth gravity. It was inside the Earth's magetic field. And so it wasn't realistic at all. The problem you failed to recognize is that sitting in micro-gravity for a year is very deterious on the body. The other problem is once you leave the Earth's magnetic field, you are bombarded by high energy particles from the Sun and need a radiation shield which would undoubtedly be lead. That is extremely heavy to get into space. The whole ship would have be enormous to even have a hope of carrying all the supplies, protection, rotating sections (for artificial gravity), and other things required. It simply isn't technologically practical any time in our future. Maybe in 500 years it will be.

Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 0) 283

Ah, so this is all a supposedly educated Chinese can muster? No counter argument. No reponse. No denials. The only thing you can do is call me names? I guess everything I said China is true, in particular, what I said about the Chinese people. And I'll add that they are extremely dimwitted too.

Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 1) 283

This is completely inaccurate. The problem with your supposed analysis is that China it is literally sitting on trillions of dollar of foreign capital reserves and they can easily buy the manufactured products and servies necessary to clean up and modernize their plants and infrastructure from the West. The fact is, the US and other western countries (including Japan) would be eager for the business. The real reason China doesn't do this is because they want to build it themselves (or bring in partners and steal the technology that way). All Japanese companies and many successful western companies realize this is a recipe for disaster and that is why China doesn't have the needed infrastructure. No company is going to partner with a Chinese firm nowdays that understands what China is doing and has a technological advantage. It is better not to do business with China at all then lose their technology to China.

Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 2) 283

Go where exactly? You are clearly deluded by too much science fiction in your diet. There is nothing out there and we are so technologically backward, it will be literally centuries till we have the technology to go anywhere economically in our own solar system. After we develop economical fusion power, can feed and cloth all the people on the planet, and have a stable world political and economic system - then MAYBE that might be the time to start thinking about exploring with manned missions. Right now, we are nowhere close to any of that and it will be centuries (if we don't blow ourselves up first) till we are.

Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 0) 283

Despite Chinese propaganda, only speculators were hurt in the economic meltdown on Wallstreet. The real US economy wasn't affected and only people that lost jobs worked in the speculative bubble of finance and real estate. BTW - China has a real estate bubble 100x larger, with whole cities and apartment blocks built that are empty. Can't wait for that bubble to implode and see the millions of chinese out of work as a result. Maybe that will deflate their ego a little.

Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 0) 283

So what? The Chinese are so stupid they can't learn from anyone else so they have to repeat every other country's mistake? Have fun in that polluted hell-hole you've created for yourselves. Most civilized people know not to take a dump where they live. The Chinese decided to take a collective dump on their whole country. Maybe that is why they are going to space? Because they haven't polluted it yet and their own country is unlivable.

Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 1) 283

Unlmited resources to waste apparently on foolish national projects. Why don't they pour that money into cleaning up their environment? Last time I visited China, the air was polluted, the water was polluted and the whole place stank. China is really a modern cesspool of manufacturing pollution. It's really is a dirty, filthy, polluted third-world country with delusions of grandeur.

Comment Re:Is China even behind at all? (Score 0) 283

What resources are you talking about? There are rocks, and lots of dust and maybe some water. WoW!!! We have that here. And it only costs a couple of hundred billion to get there to get those off the Moon. Do you even have any idea what you are talking about? Despite what you think, the Moon is not made of cheese or gold.

Comment Re:Prediction (Score 0) 283

Elon Musk has no credibility on going to Mars and talking out of his hat. What is required to go to Mars is a truly mammoth ship with rotating sections, radiation shields, sealed sections, and so on. It would cost trillions to send anyone with our current technology and many of those that went would have a very good chance of ending up dead. Bear in mind that going to Mars means leaving the earth's gravity well, magnetic field, travelling for two years there and back and so on. Without adequate supplies, artificial gravity, radiation protection, and so on, you are going to die. And even with that, there is a good chance a micrometeorite will kill you on the way.

Comment Re:Prediction (Score 2, Informative) 283

We can't get people to Mars economically or technologically even. Anyone you send will just die from a number of factors including exposure to solar radiation, micrometeorites, lack of gravity, and we can't physically take enough oxygen, food, and water there and back. Plus, if anything else were to happen, they'd be dead too because nobody could reach them in time to help them. It's a fool's journey.

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