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Comment Re:Slow news day? (Score 1) 990

There's no hard rule about using "were" after "if". For example, it's perfectly correct to say "If I was rude to you, I apologize" since you're talking about a situation that happened in the past. However, if you know you weren't rude and you wished to make a point, you could say "If I were rude to you, I would have insulted him too". There is a difference and using only "If I was..." loses that distinction. Perhaps the subtlety is lost on those who aren't familiar with it, however.

Wikipedia actually has a pretty good summary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_subjunctive#Summary_of_forms

Comment Re:Old computers don't die, they just get repurpos (Score 3, Insightful) 317

I try to re purpose every machine I can. Have 1 as a linux mail server and it only has a Cyrix 333MHz CPU.

The problem with older systems is that sometimes the cost of power consumption exceeds the value provided. You might be better off consolidating the functionality of several older systems into a single low-power, more reliable modern system.

Comment Re:And I want a camera following him everywhere (Score 1) 262

That may be true, but you're changing the subject to fines which has no bearing on whether or not tracking should be implemented. He may not pay fines when pulled over by a police officer either, and that is not an argument for the elimination of police officers any more than it is an argument for the elimination of cameras. Either tracking via cameras is bad for 100% of the citizens (of which he is one) or it's not. Make that argument.

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